We-Al-Come To Singapore!!

This is a little time lapse vid that Patrick during one of his first visits here. It's beautiful so it's worth showing. We have many other not so glamorous photos we have taken, but I left my camera in a cab, so they are all gone gone gone!

I wanted to recap the happenings of the last week here so I can remember how I felt and what we experienced. It will be quite long, so read what you will.

The first days here have been difficult. First of all the heat, oh the heat! This is not a walking city, but for some reason two days in a row I found myself out walking. And with the baby in the bjorn. He got a little sunburned and I got a little light headed. But even if you aren't walking out in the heat of the day, you still sweat constantly and look about for any aircon'd place you can duck into. I think (hope) we will get used to it eventually as others have said they did. I have been really sore because of all the walking. I guess living in the burbs, I am out of practice! My shoulders have been packing around the baby (he is fat, you know!) and I pulled my neck muscle today. Now I move like a robot and am super cranky because of pain. We have been working really hard getting settled that we are just exhausted at the end of the day.

Besides the heat and losing my camera we have had a difficult time adjusting to not having any furniture. Our couch finally arrived after 7 days and we are so very grateful to have something to sit on! We have been purchasing things from Ikea to use (thank heaven for Ikea!), items that include two folding chairs, but we only got things to help us get by until our shipment arrives so its still not terribly comfortable. And even then we have a few days until our shipment gets delivered after it arrives and passes customs, which is something I didn't even think about so we have a few more days yet. It's a lot like camping. But thank heaven for the AC.

We went to our new ward and most of the members were missing since it was still holiday break. The chapel looked a bit like a slow day in our Queens ward which scared us a bit at first until we realized why everyone was gone. We did meet a very nice couple with two boys that live near us. They invited us over for dinner (quite a daring task considering the number of our group) and they really lifted our spirits. Even when you know the journey is going to be difficult, its still so shocking when it really gets difficult! But we are adjusting.

We have a great little store across the street from us that we do our everyday shopping in. We have also found the bigger grocery stores but we definitely did more shopping than the average Singaporean. I am sure people were wondering where we would put all of that food! But between all of us, we go through food quite fast. The bread loaves are about half the size of the ones you get in the states, so we are buying bread every day. And I think that is also because the boys are so tired of rice, they eat toast instead because thankfully the store has nutella.

The boys are finally adjusted to the time change. For the first week they were putting themselves to bed which was kind of nice! At about 7 they would say they wanted to rest for a bit. Not that they were going to sleep! They just wanted to lay down and in a matter of moments they would be out. Bedtime has never been so easy! But now they are fine and wild and as rambunctious as ever. The only thing that helps is the swimming pool. The last few nights Patrick has taken them out and worn them down. That really helps with falling asleep.

We are so so so glad that Grandpa S was willing to come and help out. He has been busy every moment with these kids while Patrick and I are out pounding the pavement. He reads books, feeds them, bathes them, puts them to bed, takes them swimming and now he is even doing home school! This has really helped structure their day so they aren't as rowdy. They still fight and go crazy but I think less so which means they aren't making the rest of us as crazy. Luckily Grandpa is patient because these boys sure know how to push the limits. We honestly have no idea what we would have done without him here. There is no way we would even be functioning. We are running everywhere, all over town trying to get green cards, bank accounts, furniture and food. Plus trying to find schools to put them in. There is just no way we would be able to do it with 4 kids in tow. Thank heaven for Grandpa!

Ronin has been eager to learn Chinese from Grandpa. Thankfully Grandpa is willing to teach him. He has been pretty excited today showing us what he has learned. We are slowly finding a school for Ronin and hope he can get into a public one in the next two weeks. We both feel really stressed about it, although I am sure it will turn out fine. There is just nothing worse than watching your kid suffer. We hope this won't ruin him. It's a risk to find out just how flexible a child is. And for Ronin's sake, we hope he can be super flexible. For the most part Ronin is busy during the day playing the new Wii that Grandma S. was so kind to send us for Christmas. Both boys really like to watch Patrick play Mario Bro. because they don't have the skill to play themselves but he also plays the Just Dance and makes us all laugh with his super awesome dance moves. Ronin also spends a lot of time swimming and pestering Cache. The teasing and fighting is not getting better and I am told it never will. Which is just sad to hear, so stop telling me! Tell me it gets better, please!

Cache is having a bit of a hard time. He has been really whiney. He says he is STARVING all the time. It is usually accompanied by a dramatic fall to the floor. He is really tired of rice, noodles and curry so I don't think he is getting what he needs. He also really likes specific things to eat, most of which is not available, so things are a bit tough until the shipment gets here and even then, its just prolonging the inevitable. He also says he is hot and doesn't like to sit out in the heat much. We have found a school nearby for him and hope to start him tomorrow. All the same worries and stresses apply to him as well, with school since it is a public school. We are just going to pray for the best and hope he doesn't get scarred for life.

Kai has had a really rough time. He is crying a lot. I am sure he is so uncomfortable and probably a bit bored. The older boys get to do school time with Grandpa but all Kai does is walk around and play with the same two cars that he brought. We do have a few more toys, but for some reason he won't play with them. Then the older boys keep pestering him. And he has had a cold on and off for weeks and I think he has been hungry and dehydrated a bit. The same situation as Cache really. So over all, he's not doing so swell. Some days he pulls out of it, but others its just constant crying and screaming. It's sad and exhausting for all of us. Today, however was a good day so we are happy about that. He has also developed a bit of a mean streak. We hope it fades soon and that this isn't "the new Kai" we are dealing with. If it is, then the terrible two's could be pretty terrible.

Levi is growing fast! He is smiling and laughing all the time now and the other day he had rolled over in his bed. It was an accident, but this is just the beginning of the next phase! He loves meeting people and let me just say that the people here LOVE him. People stop to talk to him everywhere we go. I have already had a few people take his picture. One lady wanted to carry him across the mall to introduce him to her family. It was so weird, I thought she was going to steal him but no, she just wanted to show him off to her two grown boys, who couldn't have cared less I might add. Most people just want to smile and coo at him and he plays it great by smiling and cooing right back.

Everyone seems surprised by the number of children we have. Well everyone except the members of our ward. They all have 4 or 5 kids. I am positive that the largest cars on the island are owned by the members. Lots of kids. People at Patrick's work can't believe we have 4 kids. Even the girl that sits next to him was so surprised and she even has three of her own! It was so funny when she was making such a big deal out of it. But I guess just like New York, 4 is just 3 kids too many. And when we are all out together, I have moments of thinking they are right! It can get pretty crazy with us all together. You should have seen our taxi ride home tonight! Patrick tipped the taxi guy (something you don't usually do here) just for dealing with all the screaming, crying and general mayhem that went on.

There is definitely a language barrier to get over, but it isn't too hard to get around town because everything is written in english. Besides speaking too fast and a few Slinglish terms, I can understand people. Unless its over the phone and then I'm completely lost. They really do sound like they are speaking Chinese. It will definitely take some getting used to.

Other things we will have to get used to is the driving on the other side of the street. I didn't think it would matter to us since we don't have a car, but it does actually affect day to day living. Usually when I cross the street I look right and then left to see if a car is coming. Here if you do that, you might get hit! You have to look left first to see if someone is coming. I am sure this is a personal issue on my part and not a technical issue.
Also just walking down the side walk, you usually do so like you are cars passing each other. It seems I am always on the wrong side! SO that will take some mental energy.

Also everything seems a bit fishy tasting. We had Pizza Hut the other night. Something funny about that pepperoni. That is something I don't like! I have never been a fish fan!
Now onto things I do like...

The foliage! It's amazing and green here with the most beautiful flowers. And for the most part I love the food. I love the curry puffs! The thai chicken! The spring rolls! I don't know if I will lose any weight eating here with all the good things to eat.
And the biggest thing of all is the people. For the most part they are so gracious and kind. After living in NY for so long, it was honestly shocking! They are so helpful and considerate! It is such a breath of fresh air. I think of all the things, that will be what makes me love it here. It's so nice to see so many people working together despite differences. They are so excepting of the other nationalities that are here. They consider themselves a cohesive unit all working toward the betterment of Singapore. It doesn't matter where you are from. That is lovely! I hope in a few months I still see those things and feel the same way. I hope that it really is true.

SO all in all, that is what's been going on in our last week here. A lot of things. I have pictures that I will post. I just have to get them off of my phone to post the ones that I do have. I still can't believe I lost my camera! It's only 6 months old! and my new super cool strap that was a birthday gift! ARRRRGGG I am SO mad! But like Patrick said, its all the name of the game. There is a lot going on and things happen in the shuffle. Unfortunately those things end up costing a lot of money and a lot of tears, but all is for our good right?

We feel we will love it here and are looking forward to getting settled and exploring the city more. There is a lot to see and do here which is exciting. But for now, I really must go to bed because as always, tomorrow there is a lot to get done and I need energy to do it.

So as they say here, We-Al-Come to Singapore!!

Yes, welcome welcome Larsen Clan. Welcome to Singapore. Lets sit and stay awhile!


akdoxey said…
Oh Kristie- I just read everything starting with your tag sale. My heart is literally hurting! Moving is so difficult- just having the simple comforts of your own "stuff" makes such a difference. I hope everything turns up soon. Doug and I are both so sad we didn't get to say goodbye to you guys. I've been thinking a lot about your family. We will pray for you. I am so grateful for our church- what would we do without it? Hope you make some friends soon to help you feel more at home. We love you guys.
amanda crane said…
You are amazing! You are so good to share these wonderful and difficult times you are having. You will enjoy looking back and seeing what you overcame! And just so you know, you are doing amazing in the moment. I totally would be complaining every time I wrote that I lost my camera, so you can be proud of how few of times you've talked about it. And I am really sorry! I can't believe your energy level, given the time change, your to-do list, the 4 kids in tow, and everything bring a huge change. I gain strength from you!
We miss you dearly and are so grateful we were able to have you with us right before you left.
Love you! Amanda
Kage said…
Wowza. Those little babies are just trying to adjust! Hang in there...I am sure they have no idea that Mommy needs to adjust too.
jp said…
I am just in total awe of you! Moving is bad enough without changing cultures ... love that you're embracing it like only the Larsens can!

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