Big Brother

Cache has been working on his babysitting skills. He needs a bit of improving....
One thing that has gotten better is his love for Levi. He is taking more notice of him and actually talking to him, hugging him and trying to look after his well being.

I went out Saturday to a baby shower at the church (only in the LDS community can a stranger go to a woman's baby shower and it not be totally weird) I met some very nice ladies and added some more names to my Singapore Contact list. While I was gone, Levi was in the hands of Patrick and Cache. (Grandpa had taken the other boys to the beach and they came back happy as clams and as red as lobsters!)

All the while, Levi had his first bottle experience.
I love that Cache got in on the action. He looks so happy too! This first week of school has been hard on Cache and every day after he gets home all he wants to do is hang around the house. He never wants to go back outside and he has been much more willing to receive affection from me. I love it, but I take it as a 'not-so-good' sign that he is struggling. He usually is so stand-offish with all of us, so seeing this side of him is a pleasant surprise and hopefully it will last awhile.
He has been a lot more affectionate with Levi as well and I'm glad to see a relationship building there, even if Levi is too young to know it.
I am not sure what these boys did while I am gone. Mostly it looks like they did a lot of sitting around and took a lot of photos. It was a nice way to spend a Saturday morning, I am sure.

Once I finally got home and Grandpa and the other kids got home, Patrick was ready to take the kids swimming. I was exhausted for some reason and took a 4 hour nap and it felt. SO. good. I would say its the best sleep I have had since I have been here. We also got the kids bunk beds from Ikea delivered but we have yet to put them together. They seem fine sleeping on the floor and the toddler bed so whats the rush, right? I am sure we will get them together sometime soon. We are still organizing the house and have quite a few boxes that still need to be opened. We have shuffled them to the rooms they need to be in but I wonder how long it will actually be until we have completely unpacked them. There is just so much stuff, it's going to take awhile. And this week has felt so endless that once the weekend hit, I just stopped unpacking altogether. I'm a bit burned out on it, to be honest. I just needed a break. We are going to try and get some sight-seeing in this week before Grandpa has to go back home. I can't believe he has been here almost a month! He has been so helpful and I could definitely use him here for another month at least. It's nice to have someone here to explore with too. We have a lot to see this week and hope to get it all in. That will be a nice distraction from the disorder at home. Once he is gone all I will have left to do is unpack, so I'm not going to be in a terrible hurry to get it all done. I'm going to enjoy myself!


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