Ronin goes to Town

Ronin's days have been full of homeschooling with Grandpa. Every morning we say goodbye to Cache as he heads to school and Ronin and Grandpa saddle up to the table to get some math and english done. I picked up some test papers for him to practice with since he will have to pass a test to be placed in public school. I think its going to be a few weeks yet until he gets in which makes me tired. I don't really know how I am going to be able to do what Grandpa has been doing with him. Between the baby, and Kai, homeschooling is the LAST thing I want to do. And I mean EVER. Anyway, this past week, aside from his schooling, Grandpa and he have been going out on the town to see the sights. They jumped in a cab just the other day to go to the Bukit Timah Reserves and found themselves in the middle of a car accident that was caused by their driver.
I guess the driver was chatting it up and not paying attention. He pulled a U-turn into fast moving traffic and caused a pile up. Thank heaven no one was hurt! Ronin and Grandpa were checked out by the EMT's and deemed fit to leave. Ronin was pretty confused about what had happened when he found himself on the floor of the cab. Since we have arrived he and the other boys think its pretty cool to not wear seat belts since they are in a cab, and because of the chaos getting all of us in and settled, I have't been forcing them to use one, but we all have changed our tune now! They all buckle up now without a fight and Ronin is a bit paranoid about which cab we get it and if the cabbie is going to be a good driver. Oh how I wish we could tell that just by looking at them! One thing is for sure, these green taxis are the last ones he wants to hail when we are looking for one on the street.
After a lot of time at the scene of the accident they finally made it to where they were going. They have been all over the city. Shopping at the Mustafa center which is two city blocks and 5 flights of shopping. Everything you would need from chapstick to TV's, to sports equipment, jewelry and clothes. It's enormous! They have been to the Sultan Mosque and around Little India.
And the rainforest reserves. They have been stuck in the rain and surrounded by playing monkeys.
He comes home exhausted and happy from his time with Grandpa. And he seems to grow up a bit with each trip out. I am ever grateful for the time he gets to spend with his Grandfather and the freedom it gives me to get our house organized.
Grandpa has been helpful and patient with each kid. He has strength against the heat, humidity and endless walking. He has braved tantrums, food messes, dirty diapers, homework, spit up, swimming pools, rain downpours, sun, sticky weather, brother fights and taxi rides. He is leaving here in two days and the thought of it makes me scared. How will I do this alone? And is it possible that I can go home with him to something familiar instead? Do I really have what it takes to live in this city with these four boys and be happy, adventurous and productive? I guess only time will tell. But I sure wish we didn't have to say goodbye to Grandpa just yet. (Or ever to be honest.) And yet, here it is, at our door. I can't believe a month has gone by so fast!

I hope I can remember that even as an adult, you do want and need the strength and support of your parents when you are doing something new. My kids are just the same with these new experiences coming their way. If only I was a bit stronger to help them go through it all. Strong like my father. They don't realize I'm going through the same struggles. It's a good thing that as a kid you are naive to the vulnerabilities of your parents or you would be so much more insecure in life. I hope that for their sakes I can fake it until we all make it through. Just got to take it one day at a time....and while we are at it, get some live-in help ; )


Carly said…
I'm so glad Dad and Ronin are ok! And Kristie, we completely believe in you. You are a fabulous mother, you certainly know how to handle yourself, and you have a great sense of adventure! We're rooting for you, and if only I could convince David, I'd love to come be your live-in nanny.

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