Church In Singapore

This is week three of going to our local ward in Singapore. The main expat ward just split in September and this is the new chapel! It is lovely and our new little ward fits so great in it.

Actually, I shouldn't say we are little, because we are not. About 150 people a week. Not too shabby. And we have a lot of youth! So far we have met a lot of very nice and thoughtful people (as we expected to). We have some new friends that live pretty close to us that have two boys the same age as the big boys so we expect to play a lot with them once we get ourselves organized.

Patrick has a calling already. Assistant to the High Priest Group Leader. It's the same calling he had in Westchester, so he knows what's expected of him. Should be perfect especially with his travel schedule (which should be picking up here soon). I think I will be without a calling for a few weeks more. I think the Bishop could tell I was pretty much mentally tapped with boys and unpacking. But I am sure something will come down the pike sooner than I want. But hopefully I can get in and meet people and find ways to serve which always helps bind you to a ward and build your testimony. We are very excited to be here! We have two sets of sister missionaries. They are all new from the MTC and will be a great addition to our ward. And hopefully we will have people to introduce them to.

After church today we had family dinner. Ronin was very excited for the dinner conversation. He said he likes dinner because we all tell stories of what we have done that day. He got to lead it all and at one point decided it would be fun to go in a circle and tell favorite things that we like. He is a very social boy and loves spending time as a family which makes me happy too! We then went out to the pool and swam until the sun went down. It has been a lovely Sunday together.


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