Dragon Fruit

We had this at dinner the other night. Grandpa did a little shopping and wanted to try it. It's called Dragon Fruit. And its very striking, inside and out and looks so nice with my new bright cutting board and knife set!

It scoops out really easy and has the taste and texture of a kiwi. So far we have liked most of what we have eaten. Cache has been a bit leery of new things and when we go out to dinner he fills up on drinks instead, but the rest of us are pretty flexible. Just don't make me eat a fish that still has its head attached. That I just can't get behind.


akdoxey said…
Wow glad Roey and your Dad are okay! Craziness, glad that little lesson came to the boys without injury. What an amazing experience you are having. Every time I read your posts, my heart just feels so heavy for you but you guys are seriously some of the most amazing people I know and so realistic- at least you know all you have to do is survive and it doesn't need to be perfect. We pray for you.

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