Utah: Recap

We were blessed enough to stay in Utah for 3 weeks. It was the time I needed to say goodbye to my family and friends before hopping over a few continents. It was a wonderful trip and we are so so grateful to our family for being such gracious hosts. Because of the generosity of my family and the Davis County School District, the two older boys also got to go to school for the time they were there. It seriously helped the time go by with less tears and boredom. Ronin got to ride a scooter or walk to school every day with his cousins. He was on cloud nine every day he was able to be with them. Thank you for loving him and taking such good care of him!

We also got to decorate a bit for Christmas (although this also ended in a screaming fight with mom since the boys were being too wild and fighting. We never did finish decorating it...) and we had a LOT of hot chocolate thanks to old man winter. It's the last time we will see temperatures that low for awhile. We ditched all our winter gear on Grandma and Grandpa to keep until next time.

We got to spend a lot of time with our cousins. Millie held Levi every minute she could. But it was difficult since other people were willing to put up a fight to hold him too. He definitely was the sweetest little guy to have around.
We also were fortunate enough to get to go to band concerts, school plays, wrestling matches and an extended family christmas party full of swimming, ice skating and general christmas merriment.
Grandma was busy working but also got in a lot of time loving up the grandkids. She can put anyone to sleep and get any kid to stop crying. Grandmas have the magic touch!
Kai grew up a lot in Utah. He is becoming a big boy and dare I say it, a terrible TWO! He is learning all sorts of interesting things like biting, pushing and screaming. I wonder who his mother is?
We had a lovely lovely time. Utah will always be a special place for us, full of family and sweet memories. Thank you dear familia for your love and support during this crazy time in our life. You are the rock on which we lean, all too often. Thank you for putting up with us and come visit Singapore soon!


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