Out and About

We have had a few trips into the downtown area this week. So many papers to fill out and cards to get. We were in the touristy area at the River Walk and took in some of the sights. The entire walk is full of seafood restaurants. I have never seen crabs this big. Neither had Ronin. He couldn't quite understand that they were in the tank to be eaten.
Grandpa has been such a great sport and a great manny! He even packed Levi around a bit after my back had worn out. It's been such a blessing to have dad here. He is so great with the kids (even though he doesn't think he is). He helps them with everything. He is even doing school with each of the big boys to help structure the day while I run about town getting ourselves organized.
I don't think he realizes how important his presence is here. He has been a great sounding board for me while struggling to find a school that will fit both boys and myself. And he helps diffuse the stress that packs itself into so many moments. Even when I left my camera in the cab (yes, I know I keep harping on it!) having him there made it so I didn't completely lose my mind and scream at the entire world. He's a good check and balance for me and a great Grandpa for the kids. There is NO way we would have been able to do without him. He is strong against the heat and humidity and willing to grocery shop and swim with the kids too. There has been swimming lessons, chinese lessons (yes, he knows some chinese!) as well as writing and reading and story telling as well. What a blessing he is to each of us at this time. I am so glad he was willing to come serve us and for such a long time. We hope Grandma is holding up ok on her own for the month! When we asked him to come along so many months ago, I tried to warn him about what it would be like. Hopefully it's not worse than that and he is having an ok time, although we are uncomfortable without furniture and such. Hopefully it will pick up here once we have a table!
A lot of the subways are attached to shopping malls since its so hot here. You are underground but the malls sprawl out so you can walk quite a ways before coming to the surface streets. I found a nice store for our little Cache. Too bad its women's clothing.
And this is a picture I took from my phone. It's the Singapore Flyer Observatory. Apparently you can see the entire island from the top. We are excited to go on it one of these days soon. Got to show Grandpa as much as we can before sending him back. Or he will feel like all he saw was the kitchen and bedrooms.
While we were out at the River Walk we stopped to get lunch since Cache said he wanted Chinese food. There wasn't one thing that was edible to him. It was either too spicy or too funny. He wouldn't even eat the rice. So we stopped for ice cream at the one spot on earth anyone from any country could recognize. And little Malie's hair is finally curly again! Thank you sticky, humid Singapore!

Malachi was a sight for all the locals in the area. They kept asking how his skin was so white?! They loved his red hair and his pudgy toddler hands. They pulled out a crab from the tank to let him touch it. He even lent a hand to the waitress to sweep up leaves in the street. She thought that was just adorable! At the pool the other day someone was filming him on their camera phone. They thought he was so cute playing in the water. I am sure the light hair and white skin of my kids is a sight for anyone to see here. But as the cab driver said yesterday, Singapore loves us. I'm not sure what he meant by saying this, but we do feel very welcomed here and we hope that lasts.


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