Apartment Living: Singapore Style

This apartment thing is going to be just dandy, I think. Well, after getting used to less space, no oven and no dishwasher. Technicalities, I say!!

Let's look at what we do have, shall we? We have a great view of the harbor from our window. Levi likes to sit in his stroller and watch the activity. It's kind of funny that he can even find things to look at. I would think we are too high up for him to see anything of substance. But he will sit there for a long while. I can't blame him really, it is quite lovely.

There is no more house with a yard. Instead we have a complex with towers. We live in tower 2A, which makes you feel like you are just one person in a tower of a lot of people, which basically you are. But that's ok too. Lots of people to make friends with. And this is a very friendly country so it should work out just fine.

(This is where you catch the shuttle to the local shopping center. I was exhausted after this trip. We had been out in the heat of the day and packing the baby plus groceries. The kids were crazy wild and when I got home that night I passed out at 8pm. Still didn't feel like I got much sleep when I woke up in the morning!)

One of the best features of apartment living here is the pools. We have quite a few of them actually. It's a kids dream! We go out swimming every night. Even though its hot and humid during the day, it gets kind of cool when the wind is blowing and the sun is setting so the kids spend a lot of time huddled in towels.
(These are the towels we bought from the corner mart the first day we got in. They will always remind me of those first moments being on Singapore soil.)

There is a lot to be said about an apartment with a pool. It helps calm those of us that get cooped up easily. It's like having a NY summer all year long, which is so much fun. It makes going to school and being an adult with responsibilities a serious bummer!
(Just after this photo, Kai was walking up some steps and tripped. Because he had no arms, he broke his fall with his face. It was seriously sad! He then rolled over and fell onto his face again on the step below. ugh! And he had already tripped in the water and almost drowned. Talk about Mom panic!)

We also have a gym, which is something I really wanted (even though I haven't used it yet). There are just a few things I needed when I said goodbye to New York, the house, yard, garden and car. I think the amenities in Tower 2A will be a nice and fun change. Just need to figure out how we are going to cook and who is going to do all those dishes!


amanda crane said…
I posted at the first Singapore post.
Anonymous said…
I feel like I have taken a vacation! It is so hard to believe you are really living there. It really looks like an amazing place to live. I loved each post and loved seeing the kids! (Grandpa's not bad to see either)! Love, G in Utah
Anonymous said…
hello, I'm from south korea. and I hope u visit my blog and have some rest wa tching wonderful videos! good luck!

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