Ronin's Birthday: 8 years old!

Well, he's gone and done it. He's turned 8. How is it possible, you say? I have no idea, it just sort of happened!
We had our own family party. Mom is just plain DONE with the group-friend-spend lots of money-party thing. Ronin chose brownies and ice cream for his dessert, Ninjago Legos for his present and goodie bags for the 'party-goers'

Cache was so happy to be invited. We found some old trinkets from Ronins last birthday party which was a big 'group-friend-spend lots of money-party thing'. I was annoyed at how much stuff there was with that party but this year it made me glad! They didn't really care much about what was in the goodie bags, they just wanted something. And it helped me get out my stamping gear. Whipped them up in no time flat and it was actually fun too!
Baby Levi was keen to party with the rest of us. 
He even got some goodie bag prizes too.

8 black candles!

I've been surprised at what turning 8 brings. Of course we talk about baptism which will be coming but its been interesting to watch his understanding of the world grow. He is definitely to the point of "accountability".
He learns something new everyday. And so many of them are social. How to treat people and how to be a friend. How important it is to tell the truth and also to be sorry and make things right. He's getting more adept at reading between the lines and also tuning into things that people are trying not to say. Basically, he's getting too smart for his own good!
Aside from a Lego set, he wanted some birthday money. And since we didn't do a party, we figured it was ok to oblige. But just handing over money to your 8 year old is a little bit too much like giving into his every whim (which we are pretending we don't do) so we made a treasure hunt instead.
All the boys were involved (baby is in the stroller somewhere) and it traipsed all over the condo complex.
Patrick, the wiz kid, spent the previous night photoshopping the coolest pirate map ever. They had a lot of fun acting out their hunt with a lot of screaming of pirate jargon while thrusting fists into the air.

In the end, the money, which was fashioned into a paper boat, was "sailing" in the mail slot.

Happy birthday 'old man!' We can't believe we have had you for 8 whole years. It's crazy! But we sure are glad you came. You make life fast and fun! We have seen you adapt so well to your new life here in Singapore. You are one brave boy. You have made friends at school and do well in your studies. And school here is not easy! You now wake up really early each morning. You do a ton of homework and you still have a smile on your face at the end of the day. Although there are days you come home and want to lay down because you are tired. This is something you would not have done even a year ago, where the only time we ever saw you lay down during the day was when you were sick! 
You have learned how to skateboard really well, and can do some pretty cool tricks. You are a loving older brother. You take great care of the baby and already are teaching Kai how to rough house and throw ninja punches. Cache looks up to you so much and there are many times when you take him under your wing (except when its bedtime and he's "talking too much"). You love to be busy playing and you love to laugh and have fun. 

You are growing so much spiritually too. Your understanding of the gospel and your Savior is touching. You faithfully read your scriptures every night and are a great reminder to all of us to read and pray. Your desire to do what is right and good is inspiring. But mostly we are proud of you for wanting to be a better person, no matter the mistakes you make. You are learning that you can repent and move forward. That is something you will always need and should never forget! We both enjoy the private time we have with you where we talk of things that are important in life. You are always asking for us to share stories of our life when we were younger. We hope you can draw upon our experiences and mistakes to help you steer your own life to what you want it to be. We love you! You are and will forever be our first baby. The one who teaches us and humbles us (but not the last one, for sure) Happy Birthday to our very special 8 year old!


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