Gma Visits: Chinatown

Grandma S was here for a full month and we were sure to pack in the sights. Forgive me for being so late on the posts, but I would be remiss if I skipped over all the fun things we did. And we did a lot so bear with me!

thank heaven Gma visited. This was the turning point for me in Singapore. It was finally the time when I got to get out and enjoy Singapore for all it has to offer. It was nice to learn about the wonderful city in which we live.
Gma arrived after midnight and the next morning she was ready to go out exploring. So first item on the list was Chinatown. You can't really live here and not go. I wanted to take some photos so I was happy to oblige. Although it did disrupt my nap schedule ;)

We had a great time and picked up some good chinese trinkets. Although Singapore's Chinatown is a bit more expensive than the others I have visited. But it was a great start to her visit. 

I've been trying to practice my photography and being out with Gma gave me a lot of practice time! Hence, the crazy shots. Have you ever seen gallons of oil sitting out in the street? Chinatown has.
This is a happy landmark on your way into Chinatown. It used to be a police station but was refurbished and all the shutters were painted. I think its an art building now or something. I don't really remember, and Im too lazy to look it up.
Grandma S. landed and hit the ground running. I do not exaggerate when I say that she did NOT experience any kind of jet lag. I am here to testify to it. What it confirmed to me was that she has more energy in her little finger than I do in my whole body. She was a great example to me of enjoying and loving your surroundings. I was able to see so much of Singapore while she was here and I appreciate it so much more. Her love and support of this whole crazy move has been such a blessing to me. We are so grateful for Gma! So get prepared for a picture extravaganza. Cause we saw and did a lot of things. So many wonderful things to help me fall in love with this area of the world.


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