Gma Visits: McRitchie Trail

One of the things that's amazing about being here is experiencing the wild life and outdoor life. It is a jungle out there. To prove it to Gma we took her on a little hike through the "Jungles of Malaysia".  Actually it wasn't Malaysia at all. It was just the northern reaches of Singapore. The "Jungles of Malaysia" was just the cute saying that Ronin came up with as we were hiking. It came complete with a flamboyant hand gesture that wisps past your face as you fling your leg out the back. It's very mysterious, jungle-y and funny at the same time.
One of the more exotic things we saw on our trip. Cross-eyed PatricK:
We opted out of taking the babies with us and for good reason. It would have been a lot of packing and walking in the humidity and they wouldn't have appreciated it much. This is our 1/2 Larsen family photo. The big boys had a good time looking for sticks and other jungle items that they could carry about and feel jungle-y with. They were also really helpful for navigating stairs and rocks.
The bulk of the hike is stairs and dirt trails, but the coolest part is this big expansion bridge. It carried us right over a ravine of great big jungle-y trees.
Gma and Ronin the explorer:
This was just about my favorite part of the hike. This sign: If you climb this fence, they will shoot you.... Hmmm, wonder what they are hiding back there?
We saw a lot of wild life. Lots of monkeys, that were NOT afraid of us. The big boys saw a Colbra snake with Patrick and got close enough that it raised up and hissed at them. Uh, can we say scary? We also saw a cute turtle and really really big ants. And I mean REALLY big.

Oh, and this spee-I-der.
The other thing that was really big was the leaves from the canopy trees. I was so surprised and excited to have an umbrella straight from nature. Well, I guess I don't look that excited, but I was. It was interesting to explore a different environment than I am used to hiking in places like Utah and New York. It was a reminder that we live in the Tropics! We have different things to see and experience. We were so sweaty and tired by the end of it, but we did have fun.


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