Only In Queens

Today started well enough. We got up, got ready and headed to the park. The spray water was on because it is officially summer. I had brought suits for the boys so they could play.  
Soon I was approached by a "Park Officer" whom informed me that Ronin was not allowed in the park without shoes on. I had taken them off so they wouldn't get wet. At the time she was telling me, Ronin had decided to sit in the stroller to take a break, so he wasn't actually STANDING in the park without his shoes. Anyway, I wasn't completely annoyed and told her I would put his shoes on before letting him around again.

Fast forward 10 min. Ronin is still in the stroller and sitting beside Cache and I as we shared a bench with a really nice Asian Grandma and her grandson who couldn't have been more than 2 yrs. old. He was also running around in the spray water with his swimming suit on. They had french fries that they were sharing with the boys who promptly finished off the entire box.  I decided it would be a fun to go get our own fries, so as I was packing up to leave I notice the nice Asian Grandma holding her soft drink cup in front of the grandson who had his pants down and was peeing into the cup. He wasn't wearing a diaper and obviously had to go, but while he  was peeing, he pooped too!! It hit the ground and then he promptly stepped in it with both feet! OY!!!! I could not believe my eyes. Cache was no more than a foot away from him and the smeared poop, so I quickly scooped him up and we headed out. As I walked away, Nice Asian Grandma is wiping up poop off the playground with napkins while the grandson skipped away with poop all over his butt.  I stopped by the "Park Officer" to explain the situation who seemed less shocked than I thought she would be.
It was hands down, the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed, and I just shared it will you....

From now on I will NEVER let Ronin walk around the playground without his shoes on.


Kage said…
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

Ever since I saw a chicken sitting on the bench at the busstop, my mind races with what vermin was sitting on the bench JUST before I was...on any given bench in any given part of the city....

and now I have added toddler poop to that.

And I already had toddler puke...courtesy of my own child.

This is why I often don't wear my clothes twice in a row....just better to wash them after one wear.
Amanda said…
YIKES! NY is a different world. These are things tourists rarely experience...I will keep my shoes on too.

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