Birthday BASH!

Welp. Today was the day I rolled over to 31. (literally rolled out of bed and into the day) After last nights panic attack, today turned out to be rather nice. All my sisters came over for a nice lunch, chatting and of course some stamping was done too. Here we are in all our Sessions' glory!

We had sandwiches and an amazing strawberry salad. I was caught a little off-guard because while they were singing happy birthday, and my 31 candles were a blazin', the doorbell rang. So of course in mid-song I answered it. It was the local florist. Patrick had sent me a birthday bouquet with a sweet card. We were missing each other today and it made me happy to know he was thinking of me. I'm pretty sure we have spent just as many birthdays apart as we have together. 
My niece's Amelia and Sadie said they wanted to read me a book. It was entitled "Kristie's Birthday". It was actually a Marc Brown book called "Arther's Birthday", but they changed all the characters names to people in the family and I was Arther. They giggled through the entire thing. They were very clever and it was very cute. Millie was dying for a picture and at the last minute Ronin slipped in. He's holding the cute PINK birthday bag.  He kept following me around saying "happy birthday mommy".  Amelia has been good enough to keep the boys busy and playing most of the days. She and all my nieces are as sweet and as helpful as can be.
I had a lot of friends and family wishing me a great day. AND I got a plethora of gift certificates to my fav. stamp store!! Everyone has been so great to me. I have definitely gotten the royal treatment. I should come to Utah more often! It's been a wonderful day!! (no more doom and gloom from last night!)

Tonight it was decided that we would go out to eat (I am going to explode after this trip!) so we could celebrate with my dad and see my brother David at Marie Calendar's where he works. He's working 2 jobs this summer to get ready for school so I haven't seen him much. We took two tired kids who ended up being pretty good, except for the exploding sugar packets and Ronin pulling the tiles off the floor from under the table. That's when we finally left. Both the boys are finally sleeping although Ronin's fallen out of bed and Cache woke up screaming. All in all a glorious day!

Thank you everyone for your love. I love you all!!


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