Wed. Night Bliss

Tonight (for the second night in a row) we left the kids to go out. Yesterday we were in Logan and USU all day for the preview of Into The Woods that Patrick designed for. We stopped by the Old Lyric Theatre to say hi to some Old friends. It was great to see everyone. We had to drive by the old apts. we used to live in and check out the changes that have been made on campus. And we even stopped in for some of our favorite bread. We went to see Get Smart and really laughed out loud most of the time. I actually snorted at one point and of course it was when no one else was laughing. We even thought about going to a second movie because it was so cheap! We had so much fun out together we kind of forgot we had kids waiting for us at home. They were asleep by the time we got there, but I'm pretty sure the kids didn't care since they were with Grandma and Grandpa.

We went out tonight with Kim and Dave to The Melting Pot in Salt Lake. It's a fondue restaurant. We enjoyed the food (the chocolate strawberries were my fav.) but the company was the best part about it. Great people those two are. We were slightly surprised that dinner took 3 hours, but I guess that's how much fun we were having. It was quite enjoyable and I now want to have a fondue party! Of course that would mean getting a fondue pot and a whole lot of other things, so I'm pretty sure it won't happen.

All in all we have had a lovely past two days, and I didn't take one picture. Can you believe it?? The rest of the week is packed with fun and then we have to say good by to Patrick on saturday. Thats definitely going to be hard on everybody.


Heather said…
I own two fondue pots. It is one of my FAVORITE provide the place, I provide the
By the way, this is Ms. Eastman

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