We Made IT!!

We finally made it to Utah. It's been a few days since we have been here and I'm only getting to blogging about it now. It's late and I really want to sleep, but also want to document our trip.
The kids were pretty good on the plane and we were lucky to not have anyone in the seats in front of us so the kicking wasn't a problem. We were all pretty wiped out when we got in at 11pm.

When we got to my moms house a lot of my siblings and their children were still up because they were having a family sleep-over for the 4th. So of course we had to stay up even later to chat. When we finally got to bed, I was so exhausted I couldn't sleep. It took awhile for me to drift off.  
I took a picture of the sidewalk infront of my mother's house. This is what it looks like every 3rd of July in anticipation for the city parade in the morning. My parents are lucky enough to live on main street where the parade goes by so we always have the best seats. People started to put the chairs out earlier and earlier every year as I grew up that now they have a city law that says you cant put them up before 6pm the night before. If you do, the police will take them from you. That's the kind of strict law enforcement they have here!

So here they are all set up for the parade that came the next morning.
I had also told my brother that I would run in a 5K with him. This was my first EVER and I wasn't training for it. My only goal was to keep running whole time, which I did!! I was rather happy that I stuck with it because usually I say to myself, "This sucks. Stop running already!" and then I do. But I didn't want to give in to my weakness and I have been paying for it ever since. My body ACHES!! I had a two hour nap later that day because I just couldn't keep my eyes open and when I finally woke up, I felt dead. I keep thinking I should get out and run again to feel better but the idea kind of makes me sick. And unfortunately Patrick decided it was much more important for him to sleep in than come and rout for me, so I have NO documentation that I even ran the stupid thing. Just believe me, ok!


marian said…
i believe you! And believe me, it gets better if you just keep running - you stop feeling like you want to die every time you run. :-)

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