
This summer Patrick was out of town a fair amount. This is what that looks like....

I'm skyping him but apparently not actually talking to him. Uh, that's embarrasing...
He does the same thing, so don't think I'm this cruel wife! Fortunately for him, I took his picture at the right time.  He's waving and saying goodnight.
I hate it when he travels. Even more than I ever did before. What I realised is that in NY, I was so busy keeping things running with the house and the kids, that I didn't have time to miss him. Now with Analyn's taking care of cooking and cleaning, I have more time with the kids and more time to think about how there is a big vacancy without him home. So its good on one hand to have the help, but my heart aches so much more with each passing day. I can barely get through the days without wishing he was home.

 That goes to show you, no matter how great it looks, everything has two sides. You need to be careful what you wish for and what you envy, because it's never quite what it seems.
Thankfully Patrick's traveling schedule has slowed down, even if he still works crazy hours and we never see him. At least we know he's in the same country as we are!


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