PTA Singapore Style:

I belong to the parents group up at Ronin's school. It's basically the Singaporean equivalent of the PTA. 
We live kind of far from the school so I don't participate all the time, but I do try. The group is full of amazing parents. Both moms and lots of dads, which is refreshing. 
This was for Children's Day celebration. We had different booths the kids could stop at to do something fun. I never have to come up with that kind of stuff. Usually I just show up and they tell me what to do. The parents work hard and have ambitious ideas. Our booth was to help the kids dress up as what they want to be when they grow up. Then we took their pictures for a school collage. I'm pretty sure every single kid in that school wanted to get their picture taken so it was pretty hectic.
 By the end of the 3 recess breaks, I was tuckered out! I was hot, sweaty, tired and hungry! This was only week 2 of my new diet and I was famished by the time I got done. I headed over to the mall thats across the street and ate at my favorite indian place. (uh, Indian food is NOT on the diet)
I really do love this place, and I'm sad to report that it did not do my new dieting body good. I got sick! My stomach is changing (inside and out!) and I'm just not able to eat like I used to. That's good of course because I'm getting healthier, but I do miss quite a few things. Enjoying some good indian food is one of them. Ah well...

Parent-Student Group rocks! Glad I can participate and help out. Cache's new school next year is in the same neighborhood as Ronin's so I am sure I will be up there a lot more. All schools need good parent participation!


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