
There's a sweet Chinese girl here who taught herself balloon tying. She put together a bit of a workshop so we could all learn together. I'm ashamed to say, it was a lot harder for me that I thought it would be! I watched her tie these babies up fast, but it did not come as easily for me. The boys were disappointed in my skills (or lack of them) as well and usually asked her to re-do it. 

I mistakenly took all 4 of them without notifying her that we were coming. She already had a full apartment by the time we showed up. She looked a little overwhelmed when we walked in. I still feel bad about it. But for the most part, the boys had fun. I had some pop and some that were wilted. Other's that weren't as cool as the teachers and a few whining, tantrum-ing moments, but we made it through... somehow.

I have to admit though, by the time it was over, my nerves were shot. It was one big loud, squeaky balloon tying craze fest! 

Here's Kai wielding his pirate sword

Here's a cutie picture of Kai doing a craft project at another time. I just had to show it since his cute tongue is hanging out of his mouth. Considering I teach craft classes every week, Kai is shamefully behind in his abilities. The only thing we have figured out at this point is that he is a lefty.... so yeah, I'm a good mom.
Isn't that tongue cute!?!


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