Daddy Out of Town

I decided there are so many things happening each day of our lives that it's a shame not to capture them. The big post of trips and parties are fun, but really they don't make up our every day lives. And since this is a blog for posterity, we need to get it all in! I am going to try and adopt the "project life" mentality where I post one picture a day... or every few days. Just something simple and yet a slice of life.

So here's a few from waaay back. This is when daddy was in Utah. We did a lot of photos back and forth. What we were doing and what he was doing. The kids really loved it. 

They are both still perfecting their peace signs:

Dad has his down pretty good.
The little boys loved to see what he was doing at any moment of the day. This is usually what came back. I believe he was eating 4th of July bbq! We were sad to miss that one!


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