Crime Alert and Beach Shoes

Our apartment contract is up the end of this year. It's hard to believe its been 2 years already! Because of this we are discussing the next step. Stay in our apartment and face a possible rent hike, move to a new apartment and have to repay all those agency fees, or try to find an actual house where we would have more space but experience both a price increase AND agency fees. As you can see, the decision is hard ;) 
Just up the street are some houses for rent. On the way home from picking Cache up from school we stopped by to see some of them. Now, I'm usually not a trespasser, but these houses have a regular gate that leads just into the driveway, and they didn't have locks on them. So Cache and I scooted ourselves inside so we could peek through the windows of the house and get a look without having to actually call and schedule an appointment. I feel bad now because I think Cache was a little nervous about it. He kept saying we should go already! I know...Not the best example to set. And only a few days later we saw this notice up:

When a crime happens in a neighborhood they put up a placard stating whats happened so all the residents know about it. This one says Crime Alert:  "housebreaking."

Now, I don't know if this was because of us. I didn't actually break into the house (although I did think about it, but only briefly!) We walked in the driveway and around the yard and I did peek into a window or two (or three) but we did NOT break in. I would like to think this is up because of someone else, but this is Singapore so it's hard to tell when a laws been broken the way we see it in the US or the way they see it here. It's shady. Anyway... we don't think we will need to rent either of these houses. They are too run down and we decided we don't want to give up the swimming pool. Although the boys would gain a nice driveway for some basketball playing which they would enjoy. I guess only time will tell what we will decide!

Saturday Ronin and I participated in a exercise boot camp (remember my new diet?) and Patrick took the other boys down to the sandy beach to play. Here's Cache's beach shoes Patrick fashioned up.

He was pretending to tie his shoes before breaking out of them to go home. Sand is so fun.


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