Things are happening!

Well, a lot has happened in just the last few days and today seemed the busiest of them all. This post is strictly for archival purposes. I really want to remember these moments. Moments of my real life that get glossed over with pictures of outings and posts about birthday parties. Real life is still being lived here in Larsen Land.

Patrick has been sick again this week so he has been home, which is always wonderful, except for him since he doesn't feel good and he isn't really much help. But it is nice to know that someone is here even if they can't move out of bed. He had the same "headache/eyes are going to explode" thing that I had two weeks ago. It is miserable! We thought he was over his sickness, but of course this morning when we had a lot to do he just couldn't get up. He has been at home taking care of kids and trying to work all while being ill. I was running around town taking care of some business. Which leads me to my activities for today.

I woke up to no pancake mix!! I had forgotten that we were out and had planned on making some from scratch. So that was the first thing that had to be done and since I'm still getting used to the kitchen it took forever. Kai decided the syrup was so much better all over the chairs, the floor and his body so before we had even finished eating he had to get tossed into the shower. That didn't make him happy because I really did just toss him in and run out to get the screaming baby. Once I retrieved said baby I realized he was screaming because he had had a major diaper blow out. So he got tossed in the shower too. I had to get ready and left an entire mess in the kitchen and at the table that poor Patrick had to clean up.

I finally got Cache rallied for school (he is a s.l.o.w. poke!) and we barely made it to school on time and I made it out to another school that called for Ronin! We got 'the' call from the MOE (Ministry of Education.... sounds a little Harry Potter-ish don't ya think?) and they said they found a spot for Ronin. It is only 11 minutes away, but in school bus travel time, that is really far. So I went today to hand in his particulars (they love that word here) for their consideration. I got a call back that we were to come and meet with the principal. The only problem now is that there are no school buses that come down this far (we are right on the east coast and the school is north of us). This means we are scrambling to find another mode of transportation in the next few days or we can kiss our spot goodbye. I called about 10 places today to see if there was a bus that would come just to pick him up and drop him each day. We are looking into a standing appointment with the cab company and I have one call out to a private driver. It sounds absolutely ridiculous if you ask me. After spending all that money I might as well put him in a private school around the corner. We are asking ourselves what is more important, social interaction or saving on money and travel time. Right now his tutor is working out really well. He's getting great one on one attention and learning well. But we feel like he is digressing socially and emotionally. Even the simple things he is unwilling to do by himself and when he does finally get moving, he grumbles and pouts the entire way. I am trying to remember that he is struggling. That things are new and frustrating for him. But when he asks me to get him a fork because he doesn't know where it is (which is a total crock!) I almost can't contain my own frustration. I think making friends and being apart of the music, sports and arts programs at a school would really help him feel good about himself again and he will become more independent like a 7 year old should be. But then maybe I'm reading way too much into it and its not worth the stress to have him in a private cab everyday shuttled so far away from home. So we do have a hard decision to make. Right now our appointment with the principal is set for monday. Hopefully we will have made a decision by then. The school is really great and attached to a secondary school which means he will have a spot all the way through high school (if we are really here that long). Having a secondary affiliate makes the application process so much easier when its time for them to move up. But you know, not a major issue to think or talk about at this point. I forget to take on one thing at a time.

I also took the first step today in securing a live-in helper. I went to the agency and interviewed 5 women. It reminded me of my time in California. How I hate interviewing, hiring and managing employees. sheesh! All the women have a family, either husband and/or child(ren) in the Philippines. Originally that really freaked me out, but I have now justified that I do need the help desperately and so do they. They rely on this income to take care of their families back home and I would rather have them working for me than some of these other crazies here. I have heard so many stories of people treating them horribly. One girl today said she only gets 2 days off a month. Another said she doesn't have any days off! I have been told not to get wrapped up in their stories since sometimes they are exaggerated, but when you watch a grown woman tear up because of how their employer treats them, it makes you think you should bring them home with you pronto!
I am trying to manage my own emotions and thoughts over the whole thing. There will be the bad that comes with it, but honestly all I can see is how it will help me as a mother and a wife. There just isn't enough time in the day or enough hands to take care of all that needs to be done and forget about taking care of myself. I have done my hair maybe 6 times since we have arrived here and have only showered before noon twice! (and that is not an exaggeration!) Having another person and two more hands will be so nice. I fantasize about taking Ronin out with just the two of us and spending some real quality time without me telling him I have to take care of someone else's needs. I imagine going out on a date with my spouse without any concern about finding a babysitter. I dream of the day when I can ask someone else to cook because I am going to play hide-and-seek instead. And the places we will hide will be clean!!! You see how great it can be, yes? I am starting to think that this little jaunt to Singapore is actually a tender mercy from the Lord since I need so much help being a mother. I think it will make me better. Or at least make it easier to be better, if I want to be. I just have to take control of myself and do it! I have three of the five ladies coming this weekend to meet the boys to see how they play together. Hopefully we will find someone that will work well for us and hopefully we will work well for her too.

So that was only the morning! We actually were going to go out with a friend for the afternoon but everything just seemed to unravel as the day went on and I realized taking all 4 kids out in the afternoon was going to be exhausting and difficult. We are tired, hungry and ornery that time of day. Plus the contractor was coming and Levi was still recovering from his napless Sunday. (he slept ALL day today. Finally no more strung out baby!) It was nice to stay in and play with the kids. We played spy and lego's and had a messy dinner. The dishes barely got finished and the laundry is still piled on the couch. But at least I did get some play time in. It's so funny to watch Ronin do cartwheels and body rolls across the floor like a real spy ninja.

So that was my day. I now am sitting here really feeling how tired I am but I am unable to go to bed since I think it would be a terrible waste of an evening. But I am so tired and the morning with all its pancake glory comes soooo early. Patrick is still at work trying to manage all the things he was supposed to be doing today. He is getting more and more busy as his responsibilities ramp up and we are looking at a pretty long travel period coming up that he is preparing for. Got to get that domestic helper hired already! What a blessing it will be.

I think tomorrow will be a lot of down time with some swimming thrown in. That sounds nice and relaxing which is just what I need after a mental day like today. I just hope things keep moving forward and we can find answers to the problems that lay ahead.


Kage said…
Ooh. I want a live-in helper!
cecily said…
live in help sounds good... my question is where does she stay? Do you have a room for her?
Gav said…
Yeah, so Kim told me about your blog and now I feel like I'm kind of stalking you guys. You guys are having quite the adventures, sounds fun, and stressful at the same time. This is Gavin by the way, you know, Patrick's cousin. Thanks for letting us all know of your life from afar. Take care.
akdoxey said…
Good luck with everything for Roey and school, I'm sure it'll all work out. Decisions just stink.
Natasha said…
We miss you guys. Your adventures are so fun to read about!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Wow! is all I can say. I am feeling guilty that I'm not there to help. I thought I missed the hussle and bussle of kid life but after reading about yours maybe I'm just fine!! All I can think of to say is take a deep breath and this too shall pass. Hopefully for the GOOD! You are doing just fine. Getting a routine is half the battle and you're well on your way! Lots of LOVE from G in Utah
jp said…
Oh I'm SO glad you'll have some help!

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