The things happening here

I found I had a bunch of photos that I have taken here and there this month. So of course a collage would help bring them all together. These are our happenings for the month of February.
Kai keeps writing all over the house. Somehow he find something to write with even though I swear I have moved every thing out of his reach. It actually started last month with Cache writing on the couch with a pen. Of course he didn't do it on purpose, but with the couch only being a week old, I did actually cry. I shed real tears.
Then Kai got ahold of the markers and did a number on one end. Then it was pen. Then it was chalk. Why do I even own chalk? Where did he find it!!? The chalk ended up on the couch, two chairs and a box. I think I have removed every writing utensil I can find and if I see another kid using one, I pounce on them fast.

Ronin's two bottom teeth are loose. Finally! we are excited for him and this new stage of life. You can see one coming up in the back. It's coming in nice and crooked so we definitely see braces in our future. The boys have been swimming almost every day except when it is raining. But we can see how we will slow down here once we get more and more busy. We have met some friends in the complex and Ronin will be starting Taekwondo this week with them. That makes me even more excited!

Baby Levi gets bigger every day. He is now sitting up almost unassisted and is eating some rice cereal here and there. He keeps rolling over in his sleep which wakes him up and of course that means, I am awake too. I feel tired but excited for him to be exploring his world. This is starting my favorite baby stage! For the next 6 months its just so fun and amazing to see them grow.

Ronin definitely has a spot in a school. We don't have a way to get him there that is easy, but we are going for it anyway. We figure pain on our part is totally worth the joy he is going to get by going to school there. We went for a tour to see the campus. They have a piano by the lunch room! Its just for those that like to play the piano. They have a garden in the outdoor space (ok, all of the school is outdoors, except for the actual class room) it is in the center of the school. They have cool science centers, a football field (ie soccer), music classes with choir and instruments. They have art classes and extra curricular sport classes. We got there still thinking that we wouldn't send him because it was too difficult to find a way to get there. Apparently the busses are full and they wont add a new one. But once we left we just knew it was a place where Ronin had to go. So we are going to make it work, somehow. It may be foolish and by mid year we might be so sick of the difficulty, but I do believe if there is a will, the Lord will make the way, and so we pray for help and work hard to do our part. We hope he can start next week! Until then, we will work with our tutor and try to get him ready for the changes that await him.

So thats it. Everyone is healthy and happy which was touch and go there for a bit. Baby is crying so I must attend to him. The new furniture for the maid room is coming today! We are moving along and each day gets better. We are having fun now!


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