Cache Turns 5!

This is the first time EVER that we could actually be outside for Cache's birthday. All I ever remember about his special day is freezing temperatures or snow on the ground. We were very excited to have a pool party for him this year! Because we have only been here in Singapore for a few weeks, our party participants were few in number, but we already have made some good friends that have helped us out immensely and all our kids like to play together which means they and their friendship is now priceless to us. We feel really blessed to be lead to this part of Singapore where the boys have some friends to hang out with. Prayers really are answered ; )

So without further ado, our birthday boy!:

Cache was very specific about the cake that he wanted. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. I was originally going to just buy one seeing as our oven is a counter top oven and baking here really isn't very fun. But the 'mom' side of me was screaming out to make one. I felt so much guilt since Ronin always gets a fun birthday and cake with friends and presents and Cache never seems to get that. And its just so much cheaper to do that here, so I decided to bake.

After handling the Kitchen Aid with the power adapters and transformers I got one layer into the oven. I didn't realize the setting it was on was for rotisserie and the top quickly started to burn. So, I ripped off the top crispy, burnt layer and had a little sit-down with the oven manual. After that things cooked up just smoothly. We got out the only platter we actually brought and made it up fancy. Cache put on the candles. We only had one side of it start to cave in, but that always happens with a "mom-cake". And you really just eat right past that part anyway.
We were having so much fun with swimming, eating pizza and chatting that we forgot to take pictures! We re-inacted this candle scene for your enjoyment. We had a few poppers left from New Years so everyone got one to pull and we ended the Happy Birthday song with a bang. Or a dull pop I guess. It was Cache's idea to make it extra fun, and it did work.
Before anyone came we all lounged by the pool for a bit. Baby Levi loves sitting out in the breeze and listening to the kids play. He watches what he can, when he can sit up. This day all he wanted to do was climb right out of his stroller. That is actually why I buckled him in. I just imagined him toppling forward into the pool while we weren't looking (which is often). That just frightened me too much.
Kai is in love with all things pool. That was one of his first words here and now he is talking like a mad man. He loves to practice speaking too which gives me hope for his future with school work! He points things out and tells you over and over what they are. And when he is done we add a new word. It's so amazing to watch language blossom in a child. Especially since its their first time seeing an object and placing a meaning to it. It seems different than learning a language as an adult, but maybe its the same. I wouldn't know since I have yet to learn a language and that desire has quickly taken a back seat for me with all else going on here.
The night before the party, Patrick picked up some necessary pool toys (as he deemed them). They have proven to be really great! We got a snorkel for each big boy. Kai just wanted to borrow it for a bit. The boys have taken to swimming like well, fish. Ronin gets more adventurous every day and Cache is coming up quickly behind him. It makes me so happy! We also picked up some floaty animals to play on and then after we blew them up, we looked at each other and said, "Now where do we store these?!" Right now they are on the top bunk since Ronin refuses to sleep there. It's working for now, but I can't imagine it lasting. This space thing needs to be figured out quick!
And true to form, at the end of the party Kai found the unattended cake and helped himself. Do you remember that from the last birthday party?
I feel sad that I don't have more pictures of Cache on his special day. The only thing that soothes me is to think that he was having so much fun, that he didn't need pictures. I hope when he looks back on this day when he's 50, he agrees with me. Or maybe I will just do better next year.

Happy Birthday Cache! You have grown so much just in these last few weeks. You have been challenged and stretched to a greater capacity and it shows in you. You handle yourself well and strive to do good. You love to sing and are really doing well at school with all the new spelling. And you are learning to read so well! You are a sweet brother with a big heart for the little ones. You have a captivating smile and a relaxed personality. You are a great addition to our family and its been such a pleasure to watch you grow up so far. We look forward to many more years of outdoor birthday parties and fun in the pool together! Happy Birthday! We love you!!


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