Thoughts on art and babies

Cache spent some time with Noni collecting pretty things outside on the sidewalk one day. He came in and promptly retired to the office where he made me a stunning piece of art with all he had collected. I actually gasped when he presented it to me. I was instantly in love. Every inch of me melted into a puddle at that moment. I was amazed how creative he was. I love his drawing. I couldn't believe how he drew a tree! And also the way he used the branches and flowers to enhance is just so cute. He is one creative kid. This is still taped on my wall next to my bed and will stay there indefinitely.

Kai is growing fast. He is his own person now. And even though we are well into his 'terrible twos', he really isn't so terrible. Not compared to what we have gone through before, so life is quite delightful! We go together to pick Cache up from school each day and likes to walk himself. Usually he wants to take his scooter but I don't let him since he takes For-Ev-Ah! and its really quite dangerous when crossing the street. This way he can hold my hand and stay close. He loves to wear hats and was happy to put this one on. Which is good since the sun burns you in a matter of minutes here. He likes to wear it backward as well, and had it that way until we got outside and it was so bright he had his eyes closed until we turned the hat around. He had packed up his little backpack with his favorite cars and we were on our way. He stands at the door of Cache's school and gazes longingly at the kids as they sing and dance. I hope he doesn't mind staying home with me for another year since I'm not mentally and financially ready to add him to the crowd of toddlers going to daycare.
 And this little peanut is almost 8 months old! On the one had it seems SOOOO long ago since we had him, but you know 8 months really isn't very long at all. He is still so young. Maybe I am surprised since he weighs the same as a 1 year old. This kid is so so chubby! He is heavy to hold and sweats constantly. He has a lot of insulation  so I think Singapore's weather is hard on him.
 Most of the time his head is beaded with sweat and he has lint stuck to his skin. But he is such a delight. What I love the most is watching he and Kai develop a relationship. It's so different than the one Ronin and Cache had at these ages. They are much more connected as friends both emotionally and physically. Where as I think Ronin viewed Cache as more of a novelty, and a punching bag. Personalities really make all the difference. And it's nice to see the differences as they manifest themselves in your children. You do realize that we are who we are. It helps in being patient with myself and my abilities (or lack there of) and also helps me remember the purpose of life a little better. There is so much more to us than just human beings on a planet. We are each on our own journey and are blessed with the opportunity to be set in families to help us along. It doesn't mean we are anything like our family (not even in looks in some cases!) but it does mean we have people around us trying their hardest to make it through this journey as well. And we all are trying our best. I'm trying to see my kids as actual people and eternal spirits instead of little kids I'm in charge of, because heaven knows, being in charges is only an illusion.


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