Mid-Life Crisis

Patrick says he has hit a midlife crisis. He is approaching 40 (uh, is that really true? yes, in 2 years). Because of this he has reverted to being 12 again and has found a love that keeps him moving and happy... and really really sweaty. The skate park has accepted him. He looks like such a square hanging out and skating with the teenagers. I looked down at myself the other day and realized how lame I must look to them all. Standing in my mom shorts, sporting a huge camera and yelling at my kids. What an embarrassment! At least Patrick looks cool on his skateboard and can actually do something on it. My one try on the scooter resulted in a bloody scraped knee. I think I will stick to taking pictures and feeling fine with my older age among the young. I can cheer them on and take their pictures and be secretly glad that its not me when they fall on their rear.
Patrick has been enjoying his time here. His job is challenging but it has sparked so much inspiration and creativity in him, its great to see the sparkle in his eye. You add that to his new love of skateboarding and its hard to feel bad that we actually moved here. Of course just a few days ago I was screaming inside. It's SO hot! We're living in a city! with a small apartment!, in dirty streets! I'm sick of noodles! and expensive prices! But I'm trying to remember all the amazing things we have at our disposal here. Some days are good and others, not so much. We still miss NY in a terrible way. We talk about it and wonder what's happening there. We lament about missing out on space and a car and the other conveniences. (We miss you Costco!) But there are great things here too. Just trying to remember what those things are and enjoy them along the way.


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