
Here's a little taste of what we did when Noni was here (boy, it was SOO long ago!). This ice cream joint was so great. Anderson's of Denmark. We got the family fondue plate. 10 little scoops of ice cream with fruit, cones, chocolate and other delectable toppings. This is the way all ice cream should be eaten. We had a delightful time. Eating ice cream and spending time with Noni.

It was so great to have family with us. We laughed and relaxed more than we have since moving here. We stayed up late chatting, ate food during every waking moment and enjoyed time at the pool. We even learned to open our windows and enjoy Singapore's hot and sticky weather. Although to be honest, since Noni has left, I find myself less and less tolerable of the heat. She is so patient with everything (kids AND humidity). Each passing day I got hotter and sweatier until I couldn't hack it anymore and I turned on the AC. I'm still using it less than I did before but I find myself cursing the weather and shutting my windows more often. Although to be fair it is getting hotter outside. Summer is finally upon us. (such a funny statement to make in the tropics)  Noni is a good reminder of how I should let go and just enjoy where I am at. Even if that place causes moldy showers and prickly heat.


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