Whatcha Up To?

I have been informed by Patrick that it has been TOO long since my last post. Funny since I didn't even know he read this silly ol' blog. I felt like I had been keeping up rather well, but since Patrick is gone and missing us (or the boys at least) he has to be filled in regularly as to the fun things the kids are doing. And since I'm going it alone this week, I haven't had time to take pictures  of the kids, let alone write about it, so I really don't have much to share. 
But because I love this man called my husband, I have taken a few picture (just barely) and will share the things we have been doing this week. This post's for you.

1 trip to the free movie Waterhorse. TOO scary for kids, yet Ronin loved it anyway. Cache enjoyed climbing the stairs, rails and chairs. Normal toddler stuff.

2 trips to Panera Bread (separate occasions). Got soup for the kids both times. Haven't cooked at all. Oh how I LOVE this place!

1 trip to the pool. Ronin wanted to leave after 20 min. Cache didn't want to leave at all.

3 trips to the craft store(S). I wish there was just one place that had everything I need.

1 group stamping night and many other solo crafting moments. you were right when you said I was doing more crafting than kid-blogging. you know me so well.
(and if you are really interested you can check it out here. but I won't be offended when you don't)

1 gajilion trips to Time Out. Some for Ronin, Most for me.

Read the same 4 books at least 20 times. why, oh why did we pack away all their toys??

Cleaned their bedroom more times than I can count. OH, that's why we packed away all their toys!

Cleaned and disappeared for 2 house showings.

Went to bed too late and woke up too early. Every Night.

Listened to (while Ronin has watched) The Iron Giant as many times as we have read those same 4 books.

Spent some good time with friends who keep us afloat while you are gone.

I have watched our crazy kids do the following and in no particular order:

use the tupperware as snowshoes
dance and jump on the bed complete with turns, bum-sits and karate moves
use the bolsters as canoes, pianos and horses
wrastle each other silly
cry, hit, whine, and then cry some more
make tents, make messes and make a ruckus
give kisses, learn new words and grow up to be boys.

What we have to look forward to:
1 (hopefully) trip to the storage unit. I feel SO silly that we actually have a storage unit. so lame. I sure hope all that camping stuff is in the front.

camping for the weekend with our wonderful ward family. Thanks to the Glass Posse for wanting to hang out in the same campsite. Should be fun for us all.

Saturday unpacking all the camping stuff and finding creative ways to store it. Oh yeah. nice, storage unit.

The weekly WWWF match we call sacrament meeting.

Picking you up from the Airport. Definitely a highlight.

Finally sleeping without feeling all alone in a big bed. I just can't wait to find your feet in my corner in the middle of the night.

Until then. May the force be with you.


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