Ward Camping Trip: The Playground

It's funny to me that we went camping and the kids spent so much time at the playground. Something we could have definitely done in Queens. But there were cool things we hadn't experience yet, so it was totally worth it. 

Cache had a hard time deciding which toy he wanted to ride first.

But quickly decided to share with his brother, but only if he could drive.

Oh, my baby Cache is so funny.
He took some time out to call his dad to tell him what fun he was having. And found the orifices of his nose in the process.He loved the change it made to his voice. Hmmmm Hmmmm hmmmmm.

Ronin was totally in his element. It's been decided he is not an urban kid. Just look at him. Sticks, pj's and one missing shoe. If he walked around the city like this people would think he was homeless. 
But nope, he's just campin'. 


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