Craft Stores Rock

I have been in a constant quest for things that will keep the boys busy during sacrament meeting. Today at the craft store I picked up some good, ol' fashioned pipe-cleaner.  What a silly name and a simple idea.

However I am sure they are not very "green". Nor organic. But fun nonetheless.
I also picked up this sparkly visor for 40 cents. Cache was really digging it and lets be honest, it was only 40 cents. I found the change in the bottom of my bag and it kept him happy the entire trip. 

Ronin opted for a Batman Pez dispenser instead of a hat, which cost a bit more. Plus he inherited Cache's hat once we got home, so basically he's just a good business man... Or the lady that plays that pipe-piano thingy on the subway.

This is what happens when you have an hour, add some pipecleaner and our kids:  
A whole lot of CHEESE!


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