Shakey Shakey

Today the kids and I took a trip into Manhattan to see Danna Banana, a kids band playing inMadison Square Park as part of their summer concert series .
On the subway Ronin noticed that there are no seat belts on the seat and said "There are no seat belts here. That's not safe!" with a scolding look on his face. No, Ronin that is definitely NOT safe. Then he proceeded to stand up on the seats to show me just how NOT SAFE it actually is.

We met all of our friends at the park. (I didn't add a pic here, cause I didnt get permission) Our New York friends are so special and mean so much to us as they have really made our NY experience memorable.

After the concert we went to the Shake Shack for a great burger (one of the best I have EVER had) and a Concrete Jungle, which is icecream, fudge, peanut butter and bananas. MMM MMM.
The only problem with going to the Shake Shack is you can feel your rolls "shaking" it for the rest of the day. Well, I may not like my rolls, but not enough to not take a Shack trip when I'm in the neighborhood. Oh how I love it so!

(Here is my chunky monkey playing in the park. Sweet eh?)

We played in the park for a bit and then headed to school for Ronin (and we were late!). Everyday he says he doesn't like school. EVERY DAY. So today we made up a little song about it. Want to hear it? (or read it) Here it goes.

Roey doesn't like school school school
He doesn't think its cool cool cool
He doesn't like school school school
too bad cause its cool cool cool....

you get the idea. My improv lyrics are not the strongest (what a joke!) but it was a great kids song nonetheless. So much so that Roey sang it all the way into his classroom. Which I'm sure made his teacher feel extra good.


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