Blue's Clue's

I made Ronin his own "handy dandy notebook" yesterday. (See This Post for details) For those of you with kids that like Blue's Clue's you know what I am talking about.  

I decided it would be fun to draw up a few paw prints to put around the house. On the show, when they find a print, they draw that thing in the notebook and then at the end use the clues to figure something out.

 Well, I didn't have it that thought out, but I did think Ronin would have fun wandering around the house looking for and drawing up clues.  Which he did.

I put on one the toothbrush holder,  (look at his studious face!)

One on his pajama drawer and one on his bed (which apparently didn't get documented).  

He then played the rest of the day rearranging the clues and talking through it just like on the show. With the song, dance moves and everything!

 Here he is drawing the toothbrush. I had to help him know what to draw since he thought the paw print was on the paper and not on the toothbrush. Our clues were things you do at night. (get ready for bed...which we did soon after!) It was a good thing to do since we got rained out of going to the park. 


Kimberly said…
Seriously, maybe I should just send Sinjin to you to raise. If he gets wind of what goes on at your place, he will likely ask to move there anyway. You are good at this motherhood stuff.

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