Father's Day

It has been a lovely Father's Day sunday. I am so grateful to have a wonderful husband who is also a wonderful father. Ronin loves his daddy so much. Daddy is the guy to go to for fun, laughter and love. Daddy can fix ANYTHING. Patrick is really making it hard on himself. I keep telling him he should stop fixing everything that Ronin breaks or else he will have set himself up for a lifetime of expectations. But he really IS good at solving problems so I tend to think he can do anything too. I often find myself telling Ronin, "Wait for dad to come home, he will fix it." Oops!!!
Ronin loves his daddy so much that when you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he will say "I want to be a daddy." We had a friend just recently ask him this exact question and when Ronin gave his reply the friend said, "No, I mean, do you want to be a fireman or a doctor or what?" Ronin honestly didn't get it. "I want to be a daddy." He said again.

I am grateful that Patrick is the kind of example he is. That his children know his favorite thing in life is being a dad. His children will hopefully grow up knowing Patrick is their daddy first and a "worker" second. Because he is a VERY hard worker too.

I'm grateful for my own father who has loved me unconditionally. A father who continues to be loving and active in my life today. A father that shows equal love for all his children and grandchildren. A father that is sweet and affectionate, strong and hard working.

I feel grateful for the wonderful fathers I encounter in my daily life. Its not an easy thing to be. I know many fathers that live each day with love and tenderness for their children. These are all good examples and their children are so blessed because of them.

Here's to all the father's out there! Ones that have passed onto being "Grandfather" and ones that are just looking forward to that first day holding their newborn.

I was reminded today that father's don't get enough credit for all they do. Father's get flack for their lack of emotion or lack of "child rearing" knowledge. But I know fathers are just as capable and crucial in getting this child rearing job done. The love of a father is priceless. It gives us confidence, and self-respect. It helps us shape who we are and in a large sense who we will be when it's our turn to parent.

Here's to fathers that take their job seriously and have a lot of fun along the way!
Here's to our father! We love you!!


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