Last Day of School!!

Today was Ronin's last day of the school year. We ended with a bang! We had gone to a friends house for playgroup and to swim in the baby pool, and of course I forgot to bring a fresh pair of undies for Ronin. SO we had to go all the way home to get him underwear before school and then we changed in the car while his teacher stood at the door waiting for him because we were late. 

Then I got this hair-brained idea to go into the city to a local stamp shop. (see the other blog) After coming home to park the car, we had to stop again in the house to take a potty/email/ lunch break before leaving on the subway. The shop was in the village so after two trains, transfers and stroller lugging we made it. Just in time for Cache to wake up from his stroller nap (*not as good as a bed nap) and wet through the SWIM diaper I forgot to change him out of!!! (I only realized it when we got home *GASP!) So he was crying and I tried to hurry it up and then had to walk more blocks to another store, then to Jamba Juice cause it is REALLY hot today and I thought it would cool us both down and finally to the subway and transfers and more lugging to pick up Ronin for the last time this summer and we were 15 min. late!

 I'm sure his teacher thinks I'm either insensitive to both Ronin and her, or an idiot and unable to tell time. Maybe both is true. But nonetheless, the year is over. Here are a few highlights sent from his teacher. I can't seem to find the shots I took of him in front of the school. Maybe will try to post those later.

Here's Ronin playing house. NICE!!! Love that he's the one putting the baby to bed. That's how it works in our house too!

Sitting in the hallway waiting for class to start.

 We have only been going to school since January, but it has changed him so much. He is more outgoing and self-sufficient. I wonder what we will do with him home for the next few months. Good thing we have a vacation coming up. It will keep us all busy

All three of us are tired from today. Cache pulled his blanket out of his bed and is laying in the middle of the living room. Ronin has his pj's on and is laying on the couch with his blanket, and I think I'm going to read a book. We are all enjoying one another's company without dealing with each other. This is daily decompression; Larsen Style.  Wonder how long it will last. 


heatherc said…
Seriously Kristie!! Aren't you ready for the suburbs yet?!? Just kidding :) But what I can't figure out is what kind of time frame you did this all in...the time stamp says 10:45am???
And...would you be able to schlep all that stamping stuff just one more state over and kick start me and Mandy (well mostly me!). You know you can just show up here any time and we would be thrilled!

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