Day ONE of Summer Vacation

Today was Ronin's first day home from school for summer break. He awoke well enough. Patrick was great to get up with both boys, get them fed and settled before jumping in the shower. As I was pulling myself awake, Ronin appeared at the bedside and asked if he had school today. I said no and he proceeded to jump up and down screaming, YEAH! I'm so excited. I don't have school." (insert cute 3 yr old accent). 

Well, by about 2pm, I think his enthusiasm had waned. As had mine.  Usually Ronin is at school and I come home to get Cache a nap. But now without school, Ronin is stuck in the house during this time. This is especially bad since we didn't get out of the house in the morning.  And today was a monday (I hate mondays) and a work day, so double UGH! Ronin was good and nice enough to help me scrub the bathroom floor, but after a few minutes he deemed it "yucky" and ran away saying he didn't want to do it anymore. Well yes its yucky....that's why I don't do it either!

As Ronin played and Cache napped, I pulled off the old caulking in the shower and tried to clean mold out from the grout. It took a while so of course I had to take a slight break and read a book. There was also laundry, organizing the closet, dishes, vacuuming and dusting. This all sounds like my house should be spotless, but as I look around it is still a complete mess. Garbage is everywhere. (I really need to take it out). The office is still disorganized since we expelled the shelf, and toys are on the floor of every room and in the window sill which was spotless just hours ago. 

The kids were pretty good playing considering we never made it outside. What an embarrassing thing to admit! They played while I worked. We listened to music and danced the day away. Ronin likes playing this game with the baby where he runs past him and pushes him over. Sometimes the baby thinks this is funny (as Ronin ALWAYS thinks this is funny). But most of the time, Cache hates it. This game went on WAY too long today, so Cache spent a fair amount of time crying and I spent a fair amount of time yelling at Ronin to stop.

The last hour has been rough (dads putting in extra hours before our trip on thurs. so we are still alone and tired of each other) and Ronin got put in his room for timeout. I was planning on just keeping him in there and telling him to just go to bed, but my guilt got to me and I had to put the baby down anyway. So I let him out. We read one book. I held him and sang him a few songs. As I tucked him in to bed, I told him that I truly do love him. I told him I was sorry I yelled so much today and that I would try to be a better mommy tomorrow. To this he whispered his reply: "I think I'll be better tomorrow too."
*Heart Break*  These are the moments. They make you love being a mom but hate hate hate your weaknesses. Mine take over way too often.

So tomorrow is day two. We will see what it brings. Hopefully more love and patience for me, and more outside time for the boys.


Kage said…
Day 1 of summer for me was pretty good because I had a babysitter for half of it. You gotta EASE in to full days girl....I got a sitter for a half day tomorrow too! So, Wed. is my first official day....wanna do something with the kiddos? We are leaving Thurs. too...

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