Sleeping Babies

This week was when the lack of sleep finally got to me. I decided Levi was old enough to be sleeping through the night and since he wasn't, and he was waking up so much it was weighing me down during the day, I finally made the switch. He was kicked out of our room and now makes his bed in the office. It's a horrible place to have him actually since we all use the office quite a bit, but it needed to be done!

The first night I felt intense remorse. Our last baby, kicked out! No more hugs and kisses stolen in the night! No more seeing his pudgy body lying in bed and whispers of 'good night'! I felt loss as I went to sleep. And honestly I didn't hold out much hope for it to work. He got up only one time. ONE! He was screaming loudly, but it was better than most of the nights we have had here. I nursed him and put him back to bed.

The next day I endured self-doubt. Was it worth the crying and screaming while living in such a small place? Will any of us ever sleep well here? Do I need to torture him so? But the second night, not a peep. Not ONE peep until about 6am which is when we usually start to get up anyway. I nursed him and he went back to bed. Hmmm, I thought. Not so bad! I went the entire day not really needing a nap. Usually during the day I walk by my bed and gaze at it longingly hoping that some how I can make it back there before night falls. But that day I did actually get some sleep. I had energy and I used it! It gave me the confidence to just keep going.

You would think that after 3 kids I would have the hang of this part, but each child has been so different that I second guess myself every time. And this baby has been no different. We are now going on night 4 and I think we are finally onto something. I hope it sticks enough that we can move him out of the office and into the room with Kai. Is it possible they will both sleep through the night and not wake each other? Am I crazy for even hoping for it? I know one day they will all go to sleep and stay asleep like pros, but these first years of learning are so hard. And lets face it, it takes a LOT of years. Ronin is still struggling with going to bed. Only on nights when we have run him so ragged does he fall asleep without protest. And he is 7! That's way too old to deal with in my opinion, but we will deal since each child really is different in every way. But YAY! for baby Levi. He is growing up and we are loving every moment of it. Especially now that we get sleep in the process. Nice work baby!


linzi said…
Way to go Levi!!!! Woohoo!!! I feel you on the sleep issue. A studio apartment just isn't a healthy sleep inviornment for this family of ours :))

Kristie, I can do this.... Right?!!!

Miss you so much. Goodness I wish I could hug you all. Love you.

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