Bugis Street

Do you want to know the thing about being a new person in another country? You really don't have a lot of friends, but the friends you do have become special to you pretty darned fast. I have one particular friend who invited me to join her in a crash course on photography. We were in this survival skills class for 6 hours down on Bugis Street. Then we were released out onto the street to take photos of what we could find. I took a lot of photos and I did learn a few things! Here is an array of what you can find down on Bugis Street:

So many colors, textures and people to see! There are multiple temples with incense to burn, ice cream vendors, fruit stands, lotus flowers and many other things. I have been excited to 'try' taking photos again even though I am desperately missing my camera. Patrick was kind enough to let me borrow his and it reminded me that I hate taking photos on my iphone and the quality or lack there of can be seen a mile away. It was so refreshing to finally get a photo that was lit right and not blurry! Bugis street made me excited to be living here amongst the different cultures, religions and daily practices. These are the moments I need to happen often to remind myself why we chose to leave our home and subject ourselves to the frustrations of an international city life. My day on Bugis Street made it all worth it. And all thanks to my new wonderful friend.


linzi said…
beautiful! you have no idea what seeing things like these does to me!!! i'm incredibly jealous!!! did you really take these with your phone?! do you have instagram??!!

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