Extracurricular Activities

Just a little collage on the things we do when we aren't at school or sleeping! Tennis, Taekwondo, guitar, playing with cars, enduring the rain, and hanging out with dad. It's a full time job being a kid.

Tennis is a difficult thing to do with these guys. Mostly for me since I don't even know how to play myself. There is a lot of crying and whining from not being able to hit the ball. But somehow we endure. We don't play often though because there just isn't a lot of time and at this point, its not that fun for any of us. But I think it will be if we can just stick to it long enough. I do enjoy the sport quite a bit. Much more than I thought I would. Maybe one day I will be able to devote a lot of time to it and actually get better. We will see what the future holds.

We try to swim at least twice a week but again, time is tight. It is definitely the preferred thing to do as a family. Well, except for the skate park which we will post about over and over again, I am sure. They spend a lot of the weekend on skateboards.

Taekwondo is still going strong which isn't saying much since we are only on month 2. But still I am glad they like it. They take lessons at the condo down the street from us. We walk down (the boys scooter) and I sit and read while they kick and shout. It's the only time in a week where I get to sit in quiet and disconnect. It is lovely! Last week I brought Kai with me and it was definitely less fun that it usually is. Kai sat in the pool in his clothes and then his diaper was dragging to his knees. He couldn't even walk it was so full. I have also met some nice moms that also drop their kids for Taekwondo and we have fun chatting it up together. It does go pretty late and so the kids are always tired the next day from lack of sleep. Our 6 am wake up time has been difficult getting used to. I am not sure we will ever get used to it actually. It just feels like its the middle of the night and that you should be in bed! Waking up the day after Taekwondo is just brutal. Luckily its on thursday so we only have to get through friday before a break on the weekend.

I am actually signing up to take some private guitar lessons that should start this week. I have always wanted to do it and now that I finally get the chance, it feels so frivolous. Both with my time and money. But I am the kind of person that learns well when there is a class to take, so I think this will keep me in line enough to actually learn something. I hope it works out. I would love to get better at something more than just doing dishes and changing diapers.

But by far the thing the kids love best is hanging out with their dad. And if they can do any of these things with him, all the better. They adore him. He is patient, kind, fun and creative! We are slowly getting used to life here. Patrick's work is really ramping up now and we are looking at some busy times ahead. I am ever grateful to have Analyn here to help out.

The boys talk about missing New York still and I have days where I ache to go home. We talked today about all the things we missed, and then about all the things we would miss from Singapore if we did go home. It was a reminder that no matter where you are at, you just have to try and enjoy it the best you can. Life is about experiences. Things that hurt and change you. Wonderful things that keep you believing in miracles. It doesn't matter where you live or what part of your life's journey you are on. There are always things to learn and things to love. Doing it can be difficult, but it is important to try. I think we will always love New York and miss it for so many reasons, but we are loving all the new things that being here has brought and look forward to discovering many more in our time here.


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