Skate Park

We have definitely picked up some new hobbies while being here. Patrick says its his mid-life crisis peaking a bit early. As if moving to another country wasn't "mid-life crisis" enough, we had to add in skateboarding. Luckily Patrick has some skills from when he was a kid so he has improved quickly. I on the other hand just hurt myself, so I'm pretty good now at just holding down the benches while the boys take to it.

 We now have skateboards and scooters to practice. Ronin has really taken off, which to be honest, was a bit surprising. He tried his bike a few times but it was just so frustrating for him. He kept saying that if he had a skateboard he would be able to do it. That skateboarding was easier. Both of us were thinking, "uh, right." The people you find at the park make it look sooooo easy. Much easier than it actually is and we really thought he was thinking beyond his ability, but he proved us wrong in one afternoon. (thank goodness too, since we spent money on it.) And now both Patrick and Ronin love it so much they don't share the skateboard very well.  So we may be in the market for another one here soon. Just gotta save our pennies first. Cache and Kai are content with their scooters and can get buzzing around pretty fast. Kai mastered the scoot and glide in a few days and it has been so cute to watch. He is a 5 year old in a 2 year old body. And whats amazing is he doesn't get frustrated. He is determined and sets his mind to accomplishing his task without frustration or tantrums. This boy is truly different than the rest. Its so wonderful and uplifting to watch him!
In just a matter of weeks after coming here our saturday ritual is a trip to the skate park and dinner at the hawker centre (local outdoor food court). I don't think I will ever get tired of the Thai Chicken. Even though its not really Singaporean food, its still the best thing here. That and the green veg. (thats the term here) None of us know what it is called. It's name is green veg. Everyone eats it and it is really good. And since it's green we figure it is good for you.

I have a lot of photos of Patrick at the skate park and will post them soon. I got to practice the things I learned in my photography class. I hope some of them turned out! It's amazing to watch these boys grow up and grasp new things. It's wonderful to watch them love something. Even after a hard day at the skate park. A day fraught with sweat, tears and tantrums, its still fun that they have picked up this new thing they do together. Hopefully it will be a thing that can connect them as brothers and with their dad for many years to come. I may get enough nerve to try  it again. It would be a fun family sport but I just look like such a dork out there with all these cool guys. And that's just my family I'm talking about.


Anonymous said…
You have such cute boys! Even the big one :) It looks like they are having fun! G in Utah

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