Summer Recap: Ronin at the Farm

Ronin was very happy at the farm. Every time I saw him he was busy helping out. In fact he was happy all the time as long as I wasn't talking to him. He didn't want to be held down by his mom or her treating him like a kid. He wanted to be big and do all the things the bigger kids did. He got to do a lot of things. He worked on the tractor:
He helped us put together Grandpas BBQ:

I couldn't help but fall in love with this bike and Grandpa's big red barn. What a brilliant idea it was to paint it red. Can you imagine a barn being any other color? Unfortunately this bikes tires were flat, but I believe Grandpa said he was going to fix it up. Can't wait until next summer when I can ride it down the big hill by the house without worrying about falling on my big pregnant stomach!

Here is the silo which I think is full of furniture that was left by the previous owners? I didn't know thats what farmers did with silos! ; )

Ronin was very excited to climb the haystacks, if not a little bit nervous. His older cousins were always doing these fun things as well as moving the pipes every morning and evening. Ronin wanted to help out with that, but he is still a little young. Rule is you have to be 8, so it will be another year or so until he will be able to help. He was dying to be like the big kids and someday he will be and will complain about the 6am wake up call! But there is something about the farm that makes you want to dig in, get your hands dirty and work really hard.

Here's Ronin enjoying the swings. It was such a fun idea and perfect addition to Grandpa's Farm. We look forward to enjoying our time there summer after summer. Just need to plan us some berry bushes and the farm will be perfect!


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