Greece: Santorini and other great places

Well, the first thing that comes to mind as I am here with the computer, is that I am not very prompt in my blog postings. Patrick and I took an extended getaway to Greece back in May and here it is August that I am finally getting around to posting about it. A lot of it is the amount of pictures that have to be shuffled through. I just haven't had the heart to go through and select the best ones.

But just to recap a bit, for two entire weeks we were without our children (I actually missed them and cried!?!?!) And we went to every part of Greece you can imagine. Our absolute favorite place was Santorini, which seems to be everyone elses favorite place, but now I can see why.

It was beautiful, romantic and had wonderful charm. (Even though this man on his donkey did not have the best attitude. He darn near trampled a lady because she was in his way trying to get a picture. I say if you don't like tourists, you shouldn't be a donkey man in the middle of one of Greece's most touristy islands. But that's besides the point, I guess.)
Walking the streets was always a sight to behold. I loved how they would take these old olive oil canisters and paint them up for flower pots. So simple, cheery and sweet.

One part we loved is the town of Oia. This is where we
would watch the sunset every night. It lit up the hillside and all its tiny houses. It was breathtaking. One of our favorite things to do was go out at dusk and capture the movements across the sky. In fact there weren't a lot of pictures of us taken in Santorini. Everything else was just too beautiful.Once the sun was gone, all the town lights would come on. You could see people walking the pathways, sitting by pools, or out eating dinner. Watching them move was like seeing ants scrambling around on a sidewalk.
And of course one of my favorite parts of all was the faded buildings and rustic doors. Here is an actual picture of one of us! We were really there!
Patrick had plenty of free time to work his photog magic. Here is a shot of the island done in tilt-shift style.

And just to squeeze them in, here are some photos of a few other stops we made during our travels.

the Acropolis:

Poseidon's Temple: of my other favorite spots.
We were actually there during some of the rioting, although we always seemed to be out of town or inside when the worst of it was going on. We made it to Syntagma Square on the ONE day where there was no one around. There was a small demonstration that was happening, but it didn't get heated. We wandered the city, ate food, took pictures and had a grand old time!

And we couldn't leave without the quintessential Greece shot with a Syntagma soldier. I felt like I was standing REALLY close to him, but turns out I just have a very wide personal bubble : )


Beth said…
I am so jealous of this trip! Amazing! And you look fantastic.
lindalou said…
So fun to see pictures from some place I've actually been. My daughter got married on Santorini. It was beautiful. Your pictures are lovely. I wish I had had my Nikon back when we made our trip.

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