Kid Conversations

--Today as we were out running errands with Cache and Ronin:

(Ronin leaves the car to drop something at someone's door)

Cache: (referring to Ronin) Mom, can we just leave him here and pick him up later?

Mom: No! We will wait for him. Why would you want to leave him?

Cache: I don't like the smell of him.

Mom: What do you mean, you don't like the smell of him?

Cache: I don't know, I just don't like it.


akdoxey said…
Silly little Cache. your Greece pictures! They look like they're out of a magazine, it looks so lovely there! I think Doug and I need a trip like that. We really need to see you guys, we miss you.
lindalou said…
Oh they do say that the best stuff. Some of my favorite posts are about things my grandsons do or say.

Congrats on baby number 4. More power to you girl.

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