I Spy...

Something in my fridge:
This is Ronin's lovey, sitting next to my butter and yogurt. And while I am completely embarrassed to show you the inside of my little fridge, I wanted to document the strange habits of my child. This started today, but has actually been in the making for over 30 years. You see, Patrick has confessed to putting his pillow in the freezer when he was little because he liked it cold. When I asked Ronin what in the heck his blanket was doing in the fridge he said he liked it cold. Case solved. Ronin is a Patrick incarnate. I'm amazed, and totally grossed out, cause I know where that blanket has been.


heatherc said…
yup! As you said, Patrick incarnate...
That is so hilarious. I remember laying on Patrick's pillow just to tease...hmmm, good times ")
Kristie Larsen said…
I tease him now!! I love to lay on his pillow and get it "warm". i still cant believe a grown man being bothered by that. SO funny!
Kimberly said…
WOW! The genes are strong with him. Let's hope he doesn't pick up Patrick's tendency to smell everything!

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