Big Boy Bed

Cache has made it know that he will no longer be sleeping in the play n' pack. And since mom and dad are really tired of being shown how he can climb out of it.... every five minutes, it was decided that the crib mattress was coming out of storage. We now introduce you to the first night of Cache's "undetained sleep experience." 

Ronin was pretty excited too as you can tell and really wanted to sleep with him, but I could only imagine the damage that would have been done with two flailing kids so we said no, no NO!

So far Cache has cried and fallen asleep at the door in a pile of his blankets for two nights straight. So I can't say its going swimmingly. I hope he gets used to it soon, because it's really messing up Ronin's sleeping habits that are always easily derailed and next to impossible to implement.

What a big boy Cache is becoming. He is turning into a kid right before our eyes. Both boys are such good friends, which is a great relief to me and we just can't wait to get a bit more space so his big bed can actually go somewhere!

Until then its floor sleeping for him. He's so cute curled up on it, as he snuggles into his pillow, that is when he's not crying at the door in a heap.


Kimberly said…
oh... he is growing TOO FAST! We can hardly wait to see you in November.

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