Halloween Countdown

We picked up some pumpkins the other day. Ronin chose all of them himself from the patch and had a hard time understanding that he would only be painting ONE. Eventually he caught the vision and after dishing one out to each of us, he took the smallest for himself. He really is such a sweet boy.

We don't carve our pumpkins. I loved doing it as a kid, but they are really messy, smelly and I think a bit dangerous for toddlers and I am way too lazy to carve each one for them. Last year we painted them, but this year I had the bright idea to SHARPIE them.  Hmmmm. Maybe not such a bright idea.
Ronin is now old enough to really enjoy coloring, but still had dad draw on the scary face.Cache colored his like a crazy person and even helped  a bit on everyone else's. (and on his face, hands too.)

And here they are 4 cute pumpkins sitting in our window sill for the very last time. Next Halloween we hope to have pumpkins sitting on our front step!! We are now definitely moving (as long as nothing crazy happens this week) and our official day is this Saturday. What a great ending to our Halloween Countdown.   Join us all week for fun halloween activities and moving adventures!


Kage said…
Look at the concentration in Ronin's pulled-in cheeks....great pumpkins!
linzi said…
I love it! I know that mothering isn't always a piece of cake, but you make it look like so much fun. It makes me excited for it...some day!

I wish we were going to be there to help you move everything. We would probably only be in the way...or a distraction! But we would definitely come!!! Good luck with everything! We love you guys!!!

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