I Heart Queens

My dear, sweet fellow Queens friend gave me the most thoughtful going away gift. It was this awesome Sunnyside Tee made from a hand carved block print by Ciara Elend. It totally rocks because I walk under this Sunnyside Marquee many times a week and now I get to wear it on my body. Rock On.
Along with this super tee, she gave me a book with photos of all the wonderful people I have known here and our adventures together. It brought me to tears, to tell the truth. A perfect gift to end the wonderful times here. 
Apparently when she ordered the tee, they sent her a ton of I Heart Queens stickers. Of course you cannot have these stickers, and a 4 year old without some sort of repercussions. 
Hence, the impromptu fashion shoot that was ALL Ronin's idea.
We {heart} Queens A LOt.
Don't You?
Yes I do Maam.  Yee-freakin'-Haw.


Sara said…
He is too freakin' cute! WOW...:)
Kage said…
As soon as I saw that shirt, I knew who HAD to have it. You will be missed.

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