It's Birthday Time

I bet you are wondering what a newly turned 4yr. old boy with an affinity for ratty p.j.'s and a "paper towel roll telescope" looks like....

Mystery Solved.

If there is one thing we are really good at, it's NOT celebrating anything on the right day. From anniversaries, to birthdays to even Christmas and New Years, we celebrate whenever the heck we want to. 
Ronin turned 4 yesterday. We gave gifts today and are actually having a birthday party tomorrow. That's the other thing about us, we like to stretch our celebrations out for as long as possible. 

Here is Ronin with his really cool Pirate Pop-Out Card from Grandma and Grandpa L. These cards SERIOUSLY ROCK!!! (I picked some up in Mexico but have yet to part with any of them. They are just too cool to give away.) What you can't see is how the pirate ship hangs in the middle of the card and is 3-D.  He of course could not smile and hold it at the same time. Good thing mom was there. Thanks Noni and Grumpa!

Batman is alive and well in our house thanks to Grandma and Grandpa S.  These gloves are so big I bet they could fit on his head. Good thing though since now I don't have to think about Halloween costumes for the next 5 years. Thanks guys!!   (and oh, I really tried to convince Ronin to change into actual clothes for pictures. But he just wouldn't. Those pajamas are dirty, they don't match and are HIDEOUS!!)

This is one excited boy!

And last but not least, his parents got him the most dangerous thing they could find for a 4 year old. Ronin has been asking about skateboarding, using the couch bolsters to practice and even going as far as skating in the bathtub. (That's surfing honey).  

And what kind of parents would we be if we didn't give in on the one day designated to indulge a kid? Now he can really skateboard and in style too. There's nothing more awesome than an ALL spiderman skate set. You gotta love ToysRUs.
Of course Cache was curious.... 
This looks bad, REALLY Bad.

All in all a very exciting and fulfilling gift giving time. Patrick got home early from work today (is 6pm early??) and I just couldn't believe it. He has been in town but working so hard, we haven't seen much of him. Thankfully the boys got a lot of rough and tumble play in and a great night of skateboard bonding.  I think the weekend is starting out rather nicely. Tomorrow is the big pirate party. The one that has been talked about in our house every waking hour for the last week. Next time I think I won't tell him until we are ready to go. The anticipation has just about killed us all.  Be sure to check back for all the wonderful party weekend details....


Kage said…
oh the jammies....gotta love it.
Anonymous said…
WOW!!! What a day for you guys. It looked very fun! I loved the pictures. It made me feel like I was there. Love G & G in Utah

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