
One of the things I like about going to Utah is I get to be in on all the wonderful things my sisters and mother are doing. They introduce me to all sorts of "Utah" stuff. This time around I finally got to experience the endless wonder of Tai Pan and also the world of 1 hr. bread by Pantry Secrets.

My SIL has always been big on making her own bread. But when she found this company who did their own recipe that lasted only an hour from start to finish, she fell in love. When I was visiting, my mother had just joined the bandwagon as did two of my sisters. Of course in light of "food storage" and  "what do I do with all that wheat?" questions we all have, I instantly thought this was finally the thing I could get behind. I fantasized about the lbs. and lbs. of wheat I could now stockpile next to my guns, ammunition and gas cans. (you know I'm kidding right?) Now I could be a good mormon food storer and also not have to spend three hours on a single loaf of bread. 

This recipe makes enough for 4 loaves, or baguettes, rolls, pizzas you name it! Again the company is call Pantry Secrets.

Now I do love me some nice bread but WOAH baby, they really mean bread when they made this recipe. Its is ginormous! So there were a few things I found out when making this recipe:

1.My little KitchenAid Mixer is WAY too small for this size recipe. The poor motor was SMOKING!!! I am not kidding. It was grinding away while smoke billowed out the back. It's still hot to the touch. I guess that means it a good machine since it didn't quit on me. Must get a Bosch once in my life, but only when I actually have space for it. Can you see that dough just dying to get free?!

2. I do not have enough counter space for this size of recipe. I froze most of the dough and I still have dough raising on my microwave, toilet and bathroom sink. (anyone want a slice?!?!)

3. I do not have enough people in my family to consume this size of a recipe! I think the only remedy is to cut it in half. I know I know, you thought I would say have more kids! I maybe be a good mormon housewife, but I'm not that good. 
Look how raised they got. This batch was half wheat flour. It all cooked well except the regular shaped loaf. Go figure.
4. I do not handle flour well. It was billowing just as much as my machine. I never realized this about myself. I guess it was my black shirt that gave away my fumblings.

5. Cache HATES it when I make bread and do not pay attention to his constant grunts and grumbles. Who does he think I am, his mother?

6. I do not own one dishtowel that is worthy to be laid over a freshly kneaded loaf of dough. No matter how much it's been washed. Mostly because I know how crap my washer is.

7. I need a kitchen timer. My microwave doesn't have one (scandalous!) and I'm not mathematically smart enough to minus minutes from the time. I'm not even smart enough to explain it right!

ok. thats about all i learned. and actually this post was an ORIGINAL back in July. I never posted it. Ain't I great? 

So flash forward to today (sept.) I made another batch of bread. This time I halved the recipe and even Ronin got to play along. Here's how it turned out.

Finally no psycho tidal wave of dough. Just two loaves worth. It fit nicely in my Aid. With one loaf I made bread bowls, but was actually disappointed in how they turned out. I think I wanted them flaky and crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside. I guess that would be sourdough. I actually threw mine out. patrick's is still waiting to be eaten and I'm sure he will say the same. It would be fine as regular bread.
Here's my helper sprinkling the sugar. He said he doesn't like brown sugar. I guess thats a good thing, since I used to eat it straight when I was a kid and now have serious sugar issues.

Here's what we did with the second loaf. Nice hot cinnamon rolls. I think this bread is great for these kinds of things. 

Patrick and I recently went to dinner with some friends and they said the only way to lose weight was to stop eating bread. I have been dreaming of these ever since that night. Goes to show you how reverse psychology works for me. These were really tasty. I hope to get to the gym *soon*


Natasha said…
It looks so yummy! Also, R got new jammies???
Kage said…
Do you think I could make the cinn. rolls? I am looking for a recipe b/cI think it would be a good Sunday activity...
Heather said…
I would love to have a slice of bread that's been sitting on your toilet please. :)
The C-Rolls look is hands down my favoritest guilty pleasure!!!
heatherc said…
mmm....yummy! I've been dreaming about making bread myself (a complete mystery to me as I don't even like cooking at all). Cinnamon rolls didn't even cross my mind until this")

Funny too, that you mentioned the Bosch....since I graciously donated my Kitchenaid to a worthy cause (starving medical students count as worthy right?!) I now no long have a machine to help in the process *gasp*-- leaving me feeling a little "naked" in the mormon world (I do have the lbs. and lbs of wheat). So I have been researching and pretty well settled on the Bosch, but would love any more reassurance you could give. Who do you know that has one and what are their positives and negatives with it?

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