Down The Drain

You know that book "I Love You Forever" where the mom has a little boy and she talks about the different  stages of craziness that a boy is. There's a picture of him when he's 2 and in the bathroom with the entire place ripped apart. He's flushed things down the toilet and has committed general mayhem? Well, that's my life right now. Levi is into EVERYTHING.
Constantly dumping things and throwing things and messing up things. I'm trying to remember he is exploring and not purposely trying to destroy the house! Sunday he threw a little ball down the floor drain. And since I didn't know that it happened, I put in a load of laundry in and it created a flooded mess in the kitchen.  One of the many things I hate about Singapore apartment living. All the drains are attached and SO small! And who puts a floor drain in the kitchen that can be easily opened by a two year old? Seriously, they didn't think through anything when they built this place.

Thank heaven Patrick was home, cause I hate dealing with these kinds of things by myself. It was right before our friends were scheduled to come over for FHE. Patrick worked fast! And of course all the boys loved it. They got out the flashlight and peered in the hole. Each child had to take a turn. In hindsight, we realize that Levi was trying to tell us that he dropped something in there. So maybe its time to listen to him. Or at least pay attention to what he is doing!
We finished in time to have FHE which was a great thing and we didn't even have to call the plumber! (We actually did call him, he just didn't answer) and then Patrick got it worked out. It took a long stick and a wire hanger. But it worked. Daddy saved the day again!


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