Cache Graduates Kindergarten!

Cache went ahead and kicked the bucket on that ol' kindergarten he went to. The final day was his graduation program. It was INTENSE, to say the least. They practiced for months, had a myriad of costume changes and dances to perform. He was excited to share it with us.

Since tickets were $60 each (!!) and it was 4 hours long, we decided to only take Ronin as a guest.

This was Cache's favourite routine. He was the top of the pyramid. He was so excited to tell us that he was chosen and took it very seriously. 

He had many dance numbers, and MANY fancy costumes.

The theme was countries from around the world, and there was a dance performed for each one showcased.

Can you tell which one this is for? Seriously, this kid is so adorable in costumes!

At the end he was able to wear his cap and gown and received his graduation certificate. They even got to throw their hats into the air!

We enjoyed our Singaporean buffet and the entertainment. We are so proud of Cache! He has learned so much this year to prepare himself for P1. He says he's ready. We aren't so much. He's growing up way too fast! Congratulations Cache on a job well done!


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