Life in the Larsen Lane

Just playing photo catch up. At this point its been months since I have even looked at any photos we have taken and its time to get them posted. I know some of these might be repeats (we had a phone photo incident where we lost and then found some photos) so I just figured, its better to have 2 than zero!

Here's Cache on his new bike. Our friends were done with it so they passed it on to us, just in time for his birthday.
 This is what happens when moms out of town and dad leaves the baby to take a shower. Look at that cute innocent face!
 Kai the basketball star
 Ronin the "Wendy's" star. (He has taken it upon himself to go to Wendy's after school at least once a week)

Kai has become a crazy bike riding fiend. And he still only wears 3 of the gazillion of shirts he owns. I'm getting so tired of them!
 Cab-driving. My least favorite thing to do in all of Singapore.
 Baby eating yogurt! He thinks he is so big when he sits on this chair. The kitchen only fits this chair and one other person so we rarely do this, much to Levi's dismay.
I'm pretty sure this is an old picture. He's still wearing his "learn to walk"-ing shoes. And his face looks pretty young, but its so cute, who can blame me for re-posting?

 Our friends and their totally awesome bucket bike. The kids are in heaven in this thing! I'm still waiting for a ride.


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